Rep on HUB 3.3 Repertorization Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB 3.3 Repertorization Check In

Rep on HUB 3.3 Repertorization (2): After reviewing the single and double page reperorization sheets in Lesson 3.2, and the case example sheet,

Rep on HUB 3.3 Repertorization (3): When I completed my rep sheet for the example case in Lesson 3.2, I decided this about remedy grade

Rep on HUB 3.3 Repertorization (6): Estimated time to complete lessons 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 is about 2 hours. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T07:54:34-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Rep on HUB Section 2 Rubric Exercises Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB Section 2 Rubric Exercises Check In

Rep Section 2 Rubric Exercises (1): Completing the rubric differentiation exercises for the various sections

Rep Section 2 Rubric Exercises (2): Completing the rubric location exercises for the various sections

Rep Section 2 Rubric Exercises (3): My familiarity with the repertory arrangement and structure, after completing these exercises, is

Rep Section 2 Rubric Exercises (4): Estimated time to complete each of the 43 exercises is about 30-45 minutes. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T07:57:33-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Rep on HUB 2.2 Rubrics Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB 2.2 Rubrics Check In

Rep 2.2 Rubrics (1): Additions to my repertory to make it my own are

Rep 2.2 Rubrics (5): Estimated time to complete lessons 2.1 and 2.2 is about 1 hour. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T08:03:40-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Rep on HUB 1.8 Study Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB 1.8 Study Check In

Rep 1.8 Study (1): When I compare my current repertory understanding (as I finish Section 1 of this e-course) to my familiarity with repertory before this training,

Rep 1.8 Study (4): The index at the back of the repertory was an early attempt to make the repertory more usable / searchable. So far, your opinion of this index is

Rep 1.8 Study (6): Estimated time to complete this lesson is about 20 minutes. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T08:10:17-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Rep on HUB 1.6 Limitations Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB 1.6 Limitations Check In

Rep 1.6 Limitations (1): My understanding of 'recursive' as it applies to rubric arrangement is

Rep 1.6 Limitations (2): If a remedy is not included in a rubric, I would conclude that this means

Rep 1.6 Limitations (6): Estimated time to complete this lesson is about 2.5 hours. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T08:12:34-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Rep on HUB 1.4 Structure Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB 1.4 Structure Check In

Rep 1.4 Structure (1): The organization and arrangement of sections in the repertory, as Kent arranged it, is

Rep 1.4 Structure (6): Estimated time to complete this lesson is about 5 hours. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T08:26:46-07:00June 25th, 2023|

Repertory Sample Rubric Finding Exercise

Welcome to your Repertory Sample Rubric Finding Exercise

2024-07-02T08:35:40-07:00June 24th, 2023|

Rep on HUB 1.5 Rubrics Check In

Welcome to your Rep on HUB 1.5 Rubrics Check In

Rep 1.5 Rubrics (1): My understanding of the relationship between materia medica and repertory is:

Rep 1.5 Rubrics (2): When using the repertory, the grade of remedies in a rubric seems

Rep 1.5 Rubrics (3): The notation for correctly writing a rubric is

Rep 1.5 Rubrics (7): Estimated time to complete this lesson is about 6.5 hours. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T08:41:37-07:00June 24th, 2023|

Rep on HUB 1.3 Practicalities Check In

Please complete this training survey: Rep on HUB 1.3 Practicalities Check In

Rep1.3 Practicalities (1): What is your current level of familiarity for vocabulary of the repertory? (Latin, Greek, Medical, Obsolete definitions)

Rep1.3 Practicalities (2): What is your current level of focus / observation / mindset toward small and particular details?

Rep1.3 Practicalities (3): What is your current level of familiarity with repertory structure / arrangement (or data organization structures generally)?

Rep1.3 Practicalities (7): Estimated time to complete this lesson is about 2 hours. Actual time you spent was

2024-07-02T08:44:43-07:00June 23rd, 2023|

Rep General Location 4of4

Please complete this training survey: Rep General Location 4of4

Rep Location: Comprehension of Task. I have read these instructions and I understand the assignment.

2024-07-02T10:14:56-07:00June 13th, 2023|
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