StartUp to Stellar Focus 2: Attracting & Onboarding Clients (3hrs)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for StartUp to Stellar Focus 2: Attracting & Onboarding Clients (3hrs)

(1of5) The purpose of a chosen professional niche is

(2of5) According to Michael Port, the most important guideline for talking to potential clients is

(3of5) Karen teaches the concept of One-Two-Pass-it-Back as a

(4of5) When we use specific messaging about CAM loyalties

(5of5) According to Harvard Business Review, those who contract for our services are most likely to report high satisfaction when

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-04-30T08:10:39-07:00January 11th, 2024|

StartUp to Stellar Focus 1: Defining My Practice (3 hrs)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for StartUp to Stellar Focus 1: Defining My Practice (3 hrs)

(1of5) According to Simon Sinek, the ideal client is someone who

(2of5) According to Cal Newport in 'So Good They Can't Ignore You', the most reliable career foundation is

(3of5) The likelihood of succeeding in a goal, such as a thriving practice, is most increased by

(4of5) Research shows that our internal repetition of adverse thoughts

(5of5) Karen presents the concept of a beacon as an example of

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-04-30T08:17:40-07:00January 11th, 2024|

Lactation 101 with Patricia Hatherly (10 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Lactation 101 with Patricia Hatherly (10 hours)

(1 of 5) World Health Organization recommends minimum of 6 months, and ideally 2 years, of breast feeding.

(2 of 5) For cracked nipples, Patricia discusses common remedies such as Sepia and Sulphur, as well as zinc supplement for skin eleasticity and repair.

(3 of 5) In cases of mastitis, Patricia advises that the lac remedies are seldom indicated.

(4 of 5) Ifeoma discusses the remarkable efficacy of lac felinum in complaints of menstrual pain.

(5 of 5) In the proving of Lac delphinum, Nancy observed the predominant sense of calmness in the midst of danger.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-04-30T08:24:34-07:00November 21st, 2023|

Valerianate Group Materia Medica (4 hrs)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Valerianate Group Materia Medica (4 hrs)

(1 of 5) Valeriana officinalis, a traditional therapeutic herb, was proven by Constantine Hering.

(2 of 5) Ammonium valerianicum was widely used for sleeplessness during the United States Civil War.

(3 of 5) Cinchona valeriania mixture was historically used to relieve suffering for people with tuberculosis.

(4 of 5) Ferrum valerianicum can be considered when there is iron deficiency along with spine pain.

(5 of 5) Remedies considered most similar to Valeriana officinalis include Zincum metalicum and Ignatia.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-04-30T08:35:49-07:00October 31st, 2023|

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lookalikes (4 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lookalikes (4 hours)

(1 of 5) Irritable bowel syndrome is categorized as a 'disorder of gut-brain interaction'.

(2 of 5) Research suggests that 50% of people with IBS report some infectious etiology.

(3 of 5) Symptoms of bleeding and weight loss are common for Irritable Bowel Syndrome clients.

(4 of 5) Trichinose nosode is a likely first option for anyone with irritable bowel syndrome

(5 of 5) Acute flares of bowel symptoms for a client with IBS can be addressed as true acutes.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-04-30T08:38:54-07:00October 31st, 2023|

Heavy Metals and Detox with Lynn Amara (12 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Heavy Metals and Detox with Lynn Amara (12 hours)

(1 of 5) Based on her experience, Lynn Amara asserts that the strongest option for homeopathic detox is the potentized dose of the toxic metal itself.

(2 of 5) One of the most accurate methods for testing with arsenic toxicity is with fingernail clippings.

(3 of 5) One of the most likely sources of cobalt toxicity is from joint replacement hardware.

(4 of 5) Lead is especially damaging with to the brain due to its capacity to mimic calcium, and cross the blood brain barrier.

(5 of 5) The most common symptoms of excess aluminum include anemia and decreased white blood cells.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q and A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform

2024-04-30T08:42:24-07:00October 28th, 2023|

Clinical Supervision with Miranda Castro (5 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Clinical Supervision with Miranda Castro (5 hours)

(1 of 5) Miranda Castro explains why, unlike social work and psychotherapy professionals, homeopaths do not benefit from professional supervision of their clinical work.

(2 of 5) Difficulties in the healing relationship between client and practitioner often arise because of the inherent power disparity in therapeutic encounters.

(3 of 5) Homeopaths who offer clients a collaborative engagement, rather than an "expert" hierarchical engagement, are likely to have better compliance and outcomes.

(4 of 5) Our projection of our own state into our client interations can distort our analysis of the client's case.

(5 of 5) It is reasonable for us to expect our clients to notice how it impacts us when they are being overly demanding, noncompliant or combative.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q and A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform

2024-04-30T08:46:05-07:00October 13th, 2023|

Psora Miasm with Morrison & Herrick (1 hour)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Psora Miasm with Morrison & Herrick (1 hour)

(1 of 5) Roger describes how widely accepted Hahnemann's presentation of psoric miasm was when first presented.

(2 of 5) Roger advises that most of the periodic table 4th row remedies (beginning with Kali and Calcium) fit the pattern of psora, but the nosode Psorinum does not appear to match the psoric miasm pattern at all.

(3 of 5) Nancy explains psora as the state of the client trying to succeed in the external world.

(4 of 5) In psora, the client experiences failure in the worldly tasks of human life as life threatening.

(5 of 5) Roger and Nancy observe that psora has the widest selection of associated remedies of any of the miasms they have documented.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q and A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform

2024-04-30T08:49:46-07:00October 7th, 2023|

Cancer Miasm with Morrison & Herrick (4 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Cancer Miasm with Morrison & Herrick (4 hours)

(1 of 5) From his Clinically Verified Materia Medica research, Roger shares his observation that the larger majority of clients that need Carcinosin are male.

(2 of 5) Roger and Nancy describe the cancer miasm state of one with an inability to face the inherent flaws and vulnerablities of life as a human.

(3 of 5) The typical cancer miasm client suppresses the self due to shame and humiliation from perceived internal flaws, as a way of hiding them from others.

(4 of 5) Within the cancer miasm remedies, there is often a theme of lack of individuation (from beloved, from a worthy cause, from the surrounding environment).

(5 of 5) Roger and Nancy emphasize the importance of giving Carcinosin to all clients who exhibit this miasm, rather than relying on the cancer miasm related remedies.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q and A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform

2024-04-30T08:54:39-07:00October 7th, 2023|

Sycosis Miasm with Morrison & Herrick (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Sycosis Miasm with Morrison & Herrick (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Clients within sycotic miasm are likely to attribute their problems to an internal flaw, rather than external circumstances.

(2 of 5) Similar to acute miasm, the sycotic miasm clients have anticipatory anxiety that is centered around fear of death.

(3 of 5) Nancy relates a clinical hint for Medorrhinum: when the client does not admit to illness or complaints (hiding).

(4 of 5) Roger discusses the large number of mineral remedies within sycosis, advising that the base mineral (such as bromium) is often associated with a different miasm than the mineral salts (such as calc brom, kali brom, baryta brom).

(5 of 5) Roger and Nancy conclude that, unlike in Hahnemann's time, this miasm is seldom seen nowadays in clinical practice.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q and A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform

2024-04-30T08:58:03-07:00October 7th, 2023|
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