About the HUB
Our purpose is to transform public health, individually and collectively, through the effective use of homeopathy, healthy lifestyle and self care, prevention, education and collective advocacy. We do this through clinical postgraduate education for practitioners, and quality self care education for the public. As a public benefits corporation, the HUB donates a portion of subscriber fees to organizations aligned with our goals.
What is the HUB?
Our web portal is an education center, connection point, and resource library for learning, clinical efficacy, and advocacy. Karen Allen CCH opened the HUB in February 2019. The HUB has participation from more than 35 countries around the globe.
Where is the HUB? Can we meet in person?
The Hub is completely and conveniently 100% online. All classes and streamed training, meet ups, and forum discussions are within our secure web platform. The Hub administrative office is in Mesa, Arizona.
Why is it called Trinity Health HUB?
The Trinity Health Hub brings together three important elements: Education, Advocacy, and Clinical Practice. Although concept of a trinity or trine is prominent in many religions, the Hub has no religious affinity in the services and training offered on this site. The HUB is not affiliated with Trinity University; Trine University; Trinity Health or Trinity Health System, a national Catholic health services network; Trinity Health Care, a skilled nursing, rehab and hospice network; Trinity HealthShare, an insurance provider alternative; or any of the various Trinity Medical clinics or devices.
About Subscriptions
The HUB provides quality training and community resources by subscription. Our subscriptions offer post-graduate and continuing education to practitioners. We also offer training in safe, reliable selfcare at home to support healthy self reliance.
All subscribers who join our community are expected to abide by an ethical code of conduct as defined in our terms of use. Trinity Health Hub reserves the right to decline subscription to anyone who does not abide by ethical guidelines, does not communicate respectfully with others on the HUB website or disregards requirements for participation.
Is there a contract or minimum subscription?
No contract. Subscribe for a month (or a quarter or a year for a better deal on professional subscriptions). Subscriptions will autorenew until they are cancelled. Stay as long as you like, drop off when you need to, come back when you are ready. We will be here… and we will keep records of your completed work safe for you.
Professional Program
Enrollment is open to professionals and advanced students
#33/mo or $89/qtr or $295/year

What do I get if I subscribe?
- 2 – 5 live classes per week
- Monthly meetups for Q&A and case supervision
- Stream-on-demand training library (700+ hours of clinical training including 150+ hours of ACHENA accredited CEU classes)
- Includes Repertory Novice to Nimble program
- Forum announcements and discussion
- HUB Newsletter for Professional Program subscribers
Repertory Novice to Nimble
Enrollment is open to practitioners, students and self care participants.
(now in beta open access)

What do I get if I subscribe?
- Note: the Repertory Novice to Nimble program is now in beta open access. Subscription ($5/mo) will begin July 6th.
- 75 hour certificate repertory foundation training. Certificate is granted after completion of 20 lessons, 11 check in surveys, 43 rubric finding exercises, and repertorization of 10 example cases (5 acute, 5 chronic)
- Use homeopathy for your animals with Christina Chambreau DVM veterinary guidance for repertory (optional)
- 100+ hour stream-on-demand repertory case library with case scenarios, symptom lists, translation into rubrics, evaluation of rubric set, repertorization, and final resolution

What do I get if I subscribe?
- Weekly lessons (20 – 45 minutes) of quick to learn and ready to implement topics in self care at home.
- Self paced certificate programs in beginning, intermediate and proficient levels.
- Homeopathy for Me & Us: Learn to help yourself and others at home, using safe, over-the-counter homeopathic products regulated by the FDA.
- Kitchen Medicine at home: With some wise guidance, a dose of modern science, and items likely to be on hand, learn the self care in your cupboards.
- Biochemics and Cell Salts are mineral preparations that nourish and repair our tissues, organs and metabolism.
- Bach flower Remedies are powerful tools for mental and emotional resilience, vitality, and well being at home.
- Includes Repertory Novice to Nimble program
- Physical Medicine presents the wisdom of wise healers, new and old. Learn the points and channels on the body that engage a physical intelligence to repair illness.
- Off the Grid skills support us when clinical medicine is out of reach. Camping, mountain biking, hiking or vehicle accidents can bring the unexpected. Natural disasters can limit availability. Learn to use what is on hand and nearby for urgent needs; sustain yourself and those around you until you can get professional care
How to HUB
[Pending Upload]
About My Training: Transcript and Certificates
I took an ACHENA accredited class for my CEUs. How do I get my certificate?
You can quickly identify an ACHENA accredited class by the blue ribbon badge in the lower left corner of the class tile. All ACHENA accredited classes are listed in detail on the ACHENA website. This includes past (stream on demand), in progress (some live and some recorded) and some future courses. After you review the course materials and complete the verification quiz, you will be able to download your certificate immediately.
How do I see which classes I have completed?
Your transcript of completed courses is posted on your HUB Account page. (Some historical records from our prior learning management system has not yet been added – please be patient, and contact us if you need more information.)
What if I stop my HUB subscription. Do I lose my training record?
Your transcript of classes and quizzes that you completed, and certificates issued while you were a subscriber will be kept safe for you up to the 7 year statute of limitations for data.
What about quizzes or certificates for non-accredited classes?
Your transcript includes classes and quizzes that you completed for both accredited and non-accredited courses.