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Safe & Effective Care

For Me & Us at Home

We Build Good Health at Home

Self Paced – Online – Classes & Study Groups

75 Minutes a Week to Healthy Self Reliance!

We sure can’t look after everything at home – but we CAN do a lot for ourselves and those within the circle of our care!

Learn clear, practical tools and tips you can apply right away in these quick and fun classes.

Healthy self reliance is a choice.

Enroll. Skill up.

Help yourself first. Then help others.

In addition to every day self care needs, we live in a time of extraordinary circumstances:

flooding, blizzards, power outages, fires, smoke, extreme heat, lack of clean water, contagious illness, social unrest, injury, short term unavailability of medical services. Let’s be prepared for whatever comes our way.

Who is the ideal

Self Care

Knowledge Keeper

for you and

those you love?

Is it you? Or your cousin or grandma or son-in-law, or your neighbor who helps everyone? Who has some time to study and an interest in health?  Who has the clarity of mind and generosity of spirit to be the self care knowledge keeper for your bunch? Talk it over. Choose who can take this on for those within the circle of your care. Healthy self reliance is a choice. Enroll. Skill up. You can’t help others unless you help yourself first.

Bite Sized Classes2023-01-22T20:21:35-08:00

Our 20-45 minute classes are short on jargon and long on practical takeaways. We focus on what you need to know. Your study is self paced, so you can jump in and out as you need to… because life happens, every day, week, month and year.

No Contract2023-01-22T20:17:26-08:00

Complete the certificates that interest you. Stay as long as you like. Learn what you want while your subscription renews each month.  End your subscription at any time to cancel future months.


Each certificate represents a skill set, with training that includes classes, learned action guides, and quizzes. You’ll be learning and using your new skills all along the way! Finish up, then print your certificate. For adult learners, certificate programs help you focus, and nudge you to complete each “chunk” of learning. We all like to be awarded for our careful work!

How Often?2023-01-27T06:45:42-08:00

With bite sized weekly classes you’ll soak up the skills without the overwhelm! Consider your available time as you choose which of our three enrollment levels is best matched for you and those you love. Each week there will be 1 new lesson made available for each program you have selected for enrollment.

How Long?2023-01-22T20:14:38-08:00

Each certificate includes about 12 – 16 hours of training. Let’s do some math on that: A 12 hour certificate with 24 half hour weekly sessions would be done in about 4-6 months. Timing is a bit different for each program. And your timing will vary too. There is no deadline pressure here, just an opportunity for healthy self reliance!

Who can enroll?2023-01-21T18:41:57-08:00

Everyday people who want to learn safe and effective self care for themselves and those within the circle of their care – family members, loved ones, even pets! Healthy Self Reliance(SM) programs are open to all adults (over 18) who would like to develop self care skills.

How much time will I spend?2023-01-22T22:26:12-08:00

Plan for about 35-60 minutes per lesson each week to view the lessons, make notes about using these self care skills in your own situation, and try out what you are learning. Weave this time into your day – watch videos as you cook a meal, fold laundry, clean the bathroom, wait for an appointment to begin, or as you carve out some quiet, focused time for yourself each week.

What does it cost?2023-01-22T22:53:22-08:00

Foundation program $27/month for Homeopathy for Me & We and Kitchen Medicine

Expanded program:  $47/month adds Biochemic Cell Salts, Bach Flower Remedies and Monthly Study Group

Total program:  $77/month adds Physical Medicine, Off the Grid, Environmental/Climate Change Acutes and Monthly Meet Ups

What do I need to participate?2023-01-21T18:45:32-08:00

These are online, on-demand learning programs in self care. For access, you’ll need a device (smart phone, tablet, computer) and internet access with enough bandwidth to stream videos and the capability to download and store or print .pdf documents. There are also self care supplies for your home that are discussed within the programs, such as homeopathic medicines for the Homeopathy for Me & Us, and salt or clay for the Kitchen Medicine program.

Can I download video lessons to watch offline?2023-01-27T06:48:52-08:00

Nope. All of our video lessons are organized on the Vimeo platform to ensure safe, bug-free, reliable and speedy access for you using your device wherever you are connected to the web. We don’t download videos, or sell them on disc or other format. You will be able to download the lesson .pdf documents.

If I cancel, can I still see the lessons I already completed?2023-01-21T19:22:56-08:00

Access will end when the subscription ends.  We encourage you to download the .pdf lesson guides for classes you take so that you will always have them for your own reference, even if you are no longer subscribed.

If you need a break, you can cancel for a while. When you come back later, all of your previously completed lessons will be there for you, and you can pick up from where you left off.

Can I share my login with my friend?2023-01-21T22:07:55-08:00

Nope. We do hope that you will share your newly learned skills with your friend,  but the subscriber login is just for your use. To share it is a violation of the terms and conditions of the HUB. Instead, you can invite your friend to subscribe, and you can study together.

What is in each weekly lesson?2023-01-21T19:33:03-08:00

Every lesson includes a video to stream on your device, focused on practical “how to” so that you can quickly use what you are learning. Downloadable .pdf documents such as a summary page, ‘next steps’ or workbook are included with many lessons. Further study resources are shared so that you can dig into topics that interest you. Lesson videos are 20-45 minutes, depending on the topic and presenter.

Who teaches these classes?2023-01-21T19:38:26-08:00

Our presenters are professionals with a passion for self care. They use these approaches for themselves and teach it to clients and students. We imagine how different everyday life could be – personally, professionally, socially, politically, economically – if people were able to improve health for themselves and their loved ones, at home! Our training lessons are filled with practical advice, useful resources, and positive encouragement. You can see details about our presenters here.

What if I’m busy and miss a week or two?2023-01-21T19:41:13-08:00

No problem. These self paced programs match your availability. Each week new lessons are added to your training page, ready when you are. We understand that life happens, and the program is set up for adult learners to step in and out as needed. Catch up when you can. We’ll wait, and be here when you are ready.

If I have extra time, can I work ahead with next week’s lesson?2023-01-21T19:43:16-08:00

Not with lessons, but there are additional self-study materials are available any time. Lessons are served up once weekly, so future lessons are not available. The weekly schedule helps you onboard the practical know-how without getting overloaded, and helps you coordinate learning between programs. If you have extra time, jump into the additional resources provided with the programs.

Why are there certificates for these learning programs?2023-01-22T22:45:36-08:00

Certificates help adult learners stay on track. Many of us have great goals that just did not happen… life got busy or we got distracted. Our certificate programs build specific self help skill sets. They help stage the studies into basic, intermediate and proficient levels within each program.

Are there tests to take?2023-01-21T19:26:22-08:00

Yes. Quizzes help you verify your understanding. Each certificate has quizzes at appropriate check-in points and again at the end of the lesson series. Questions are focused on the major take-aways, not minor details. As you pass each quiz with an 80% or better score, you confirm your skill set.

How long does it take to get my certificates?2023-01-27T06:52:40-08:00

This varies by program, and by your availability for each week’s 20-45 minute lessons.  You will be able to download and print your personalized certificate immediately after the final quiz for the program. A certificate with 12 – 16 hours of training will take about 16-30 weeks, or 4-7 months.

I’ve been studying. Can I place out of beginning or intermediate certificates, and jump in with later lessons?2023-01-22T22:24:32-08:00

Nope. The programs are not set up for this. Some of the material may be a helpful review, and some is likely to be new.  If you are a professional healthcare student, perhaps our HUB’s professional subscription is a better match.

Can I just learn all this from a book on my own?2023-01-21T18:56:02-08:00

Probably so. There is nothing secret or proprietary in our programs. You might do it yourself, but we believe we can improve your learning and success in self care:

  • Practical focus: Our practical “how to” from experienced teachers keeps you on track with what works
  • Accurate / Reliable: We filter out myth as we share accurate, relevant skills, without an overload of jargon
  • Organized: We structure building blocks of skills for you to apply quickly at home
  • Safe: We provide reasonable safety checks so that you recognize what is safe for home and what needs professional help
What is in each weekly lesson?2023-01-21T19:33:03-08:00

Every lesson includes a video to stream on your device, focused on practical “how to” so that you can quickly use what you are learning. Downloadable .pdf documents such as a summary page, ‘next steps’ or workbook are included with many lessons. Further study resources are shared so that you can dig into topics that interest you. Lesson videos are 20-45 minutes, depending on the topic and presenter.

Who teaches these classes?2023-01-21T19:38:26-08:00

Our presenters are professionals with a passion for self care. They use these approaches for themselves and teach it to clients and students. We imagine how different everyday life could be – personally, professionally, socially, politically, economically – if people were able to improve health for themselves and their loved ones, at home! Our training lessons are filled with practical advice, useful resources, and positive encouragement. You can see details about our presenters here.

What if I’m busy and miss a week or two?2023-01-21T19:41:13-08:00

No problem. These self paced programs match your availability. Each week new lessons are added to your training page, ready when you are. We understand that life happens, and the program is set up for adult learners to step in and out as needed. Catch up when you can. We’ll wait, and be here when you are ready.

If I have extra time, can I work ahead with next week’s lesson?2023-01-21T19:43:16-08:00

Not with lessons, but there are additional self-study materials are available any time. Lessons are served up once weekly, so future lessons are not available. The weekly schedule helps you onboard the practical know-how without getting overloaded, and helps you coordinate learning between programs. If you have extra time, jump into the additional resources provided with the programs.

Why are there certificates for these learning programs?2023-01-22T22:45:36-08:00

Certificates help adult learners stay on track. Many of us have great goals that just did not happen… life got busy or we got distracted. Our certificate programs build specific self help skill sets. They help stage the studies into basic, intermediate and proficient levels within each program.

Are there tests to take?2023-01-21T19:26:22-08:00

Yes. Quizzes help you verify your understanding. Each certificate has quizzes at appropriate check-in points and again at the end of the lesson series. Questions are focused on the major take-aways, not minor details. As you pass each quiz with an 80% or better score, you confirm your skill set.

How long does it take to get my certificates?2023-01-27T06:52:40-08:00

This varies by program, and by your availability for each week’s 20-45 minute lessons.  You will be able to download and print your personalized certificate immediately after the final quiz for the program. A certificate with 12 – 16 hours of training will take about 16-30 weeks, or 4-7 months.

I’ve been studying. Can I place out of beginning or intermediate certificates, and jump in with later lessons?2023-01-22T22:24:32-08:00

Nope. The programs are not set up for this. Some of the material may be a helpful review, and some is likely to be new.  If you are a professional healthcare student, perhaps our HUB’s professional subscription is a better match.

Homeopathy for Me & Us: Learn to help yourself and others at home, using safe, over-the-counter homeopathic products regulated by the FDA. We start with the basics, and build all the skills you need for acute care. Each of our basic, intermediate and proficient certificate programs includes 16 hours of training.
What-Why-and-How to get started + How to take an acute case for self care + 50 common homeopathic medicine patterns + Purchasing supplies + Choosing and comparing medicines + Dosing and monitoring response + Recognizing what is beyond self care + acute case video library where you can see examples!
Kitchen Medicine at home is an ancient tradition. It only takes one generation to lose the know-how; most of us didn’t get this at home. Tea and company is great, but there is so much more! With some wise guidance, a dose of modern science, and items likely to be on hand, learn the self care in your cupboards. Each basic, intermediate and proficient certificate includes about 12 hours of training.
From honey to garlic, from vinegar to sea salt, from baking soda to gun powder, from oatmeal to onions, learn to use what you have on hand for you and your loved ones. Getting started with a well stocked kitchen  +  Prepare & use 6 important poultices & compresses  +  8 Pain relievers +  7 Tummy tonics +  5 Gargles and Cleansers  +  9 Skin, Joint and Inflammation Soothers  +  Specifics for Common Complaints + Foraging Basics + Ethics for Self care

Biochemics and Cell Salts are mineral preparations that nourish and repair our tissues, organs and metabolism. Wilhelm Schuessler defined 12 cell salts; he believed disease arose from poor mineral metabolism. Our basic, intermediate, and proficient certificates each include 12 hours of training in Schuessler’s basic 12, a further 13 cell salts, and 17 additional biochemics!

Biochemics basics + Seeing Tissue Affinities + Mineral biology: What, Where, How + Salts of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium & Sodium + Gold salts & heavy metals + Catalysts & Halides + Nutritive minerals & Toxins + Purchasing supplies + Indications & Dosing + Monitoring response + Staying safe: recognizing what is beyond self care + Ethics of Self Care

Bach flower Remedies are powerful tools for mental and emotional resilience, vitality, and well being at home. Presented with gentle insight and clear instructions, you can start using these valuable over the counter products from the very first sessions! In our 10 month certificate program (about 15 hours of training) you’ll learn practical everyday use of the 39 Bach Flower remedies.

Getting started  +  Bach Flower Basics  +  Edward Bach’s Life & Legacy  +  Purchasing supplies  +  Preparing, dosing and monitoring response  +  Support for Trauma  +  Fear & its Friends  Anger & its Associates  +  Control & its Companions  +  Sadness & its Siblings  +  Low Self-esteem  +  Changeability  +  Disconnection  +  Depletion  +  Practical guidance
Physical Medicine presents the wisdom of wise healers, new and old. Learn the points and channels on the body that engage a physical intelligence to repair illness. Through touch, pressure, support, movement and temperature, we can ease, heal and uplift.  Basic, intermediate and proficient certificates each include about 12 hours of training.
Self exam interview and physical check out  Acupressure points & uses  Reflexology patterns & technique  Taping, Splinting, Slings  +  Using Heat & Cold  +  Stretches for Repair, Relief and Strength  +  Applying Poultices, Compresses & Immersions  Qigong Self-Massage  +  Dental Gum Massage & Oral Care  +  Body-Mind-Spirit Connection

Off the Grid skills support us when clinical medicine is out of reach. Camping, mountain biking, hiking or vehicle accidents can bring the unexpected. Natural disasters can limit availability. Learn to use what is on hand and nearby for urgent needs; sustain yourself and those around you until you can get professional care. Basic, intermediate and proficient certificates each include about 12 hours of training.

Off-the-Grid Mindset: Radical Preparedness + Stocking your Off the Grid kit + Self-care for the Caregiver AND the Injured + Concepts of Triage in Urgent Need + Short term care for trauma, fright & shock + Immediate wound care: assessing, cleansing, stitching, bandaging, supporting + Antisepsis and Autotherapy + Foraging and Sourcing from the Environment + Fatigue, Dehydration, Disorientation + Strength in Surrendering to Truth of Each Moment + Getting Found, getting help and getting out

Be Part of A Growing Grass Roots Trend to Empower Health at Home

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