Endometriosis: Condition, Therapeutics and Research (4 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Endometriosis: Condition, Therapeutics and Research (4 hours)

(1 of 5) The conventional medical gold standard for diagnosis of endometriosis is laparoscopic confirmation of endometrial implants outside the uterus.

(2 of 5) More than 70% of women with chronic pelvic pain are estimated to have endometriosis.

(3 of 5) Clients with endometriosis usually report pain level that is proportional to the quantity and size of endometrial implants: many endometrial implants = much pain and few implants = minimal pain.

(4 of 5) Clinical experience has shown that women whose personal and family histories show indicators of cancer or tubercular miasm are more likely to present with endometriosis.

(5 of 5) In clinical research presented in this class, study outcomes showed that homeopathic constitutional care was the most effective approach for relief from endometriosis symptoms.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:25:42-07:00August 27th, 2022|

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (8 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (8 hours)

(1 of 5) Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a local condition affecting the ovaries with the creation of painful cysts.

(2 of 5) Women who have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have a higher risk of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease.

(3 of 5) The endocrine pattern of disruption associated with PCOS symptoms (diabetes and patches of darkened skin on neck, arms, breasts or thighs) suggest dominance of cancer miasm for these clients.

(4 of 5) Clients with PCOS may present for consult while taking metformin (pre-diabetic blood sugar management medication), and must be asked to stop the medication prior to beginning homeopathic care.

(5 of 5) Based on repertorization of characteristic symptoms, it is possible to identify homeopathic remedies that are capable of repairing the androgen-dominant endocrine imbalance that underlies PCOS.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:29:00-07:00August 27th, 2022|

Fibroids Intensive (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Fibroids Intensive (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Based on a national study of 1,350 women, fibroids are estimated to be present (though asymptomatic) in women over 30 for more than this percent of the female population of the us

(2 of 5) Fibroids tend to appear in an estrogen rich environment, suggesting that attention should be given to this biological estrogen regulator

(3 of 5) The old homeopaths referred to this uterine condition as a "boggy uterus"

(4 of 5) According to Burnett, the homeopathic remedy that best matches the woman's constitution may not address fibroids because it lacks

(5 of 5) In this course, Karen presents cases demonstrating a functional triad between uterus, liver and

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:32:39-07:00August 27th, 2022|

New Mamas and Babies: Practical toolkit (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for New Mamas and Babies: Practical toolkit (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Most clients with vaginal lacerations from childbirth will experience pain relief with Staphysagria; this is a likely first step.

(2 of 5) Pregnancy and childbirth, especially in forceps or vacuum assisted deliveries, are strong etiological factors for women with coccydynia.

(3 of 5) Mastitis onset is generally firsts recognized by symptoms of pressure, pain, redness and heat in the breast.

(4 of 5) Mood swings, crying, overwhelm and irritability are common postpartum symptoms during the hormonal shifts that follow the biological stresses of childbirth.

(5 of 5) Thoughts of suicide in postpartum women are likely due to fatigue and should pass away quickly on their own without homeopathic support.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:35:55-07:00August 27th, 2022|

Breast Therapeutics with Karen Allen, CCH (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Breast Therapeutics with Karen Allen, CCH (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Clients should be advised that the first indication of mastitis often appears as

(2 of 5) Swelling and pain in breasts before or during menses should be considered as

(3 of 5) The group of lac remedies, including lac maternum, lac humanum, lac caninum, lac defloratum and others are often indicated in

(4 of 5) Burnett suggests that tumors in the breast are most commonly arising from disturbance with

(5 of 5) Breast development and nipple tenderness in boys is most likely to occur at

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:39:26-07:00August 27th, 2022|

Mononucleosis: More than a Sore Throat (4 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Mononucleosis: More than a Sore Throat (4 hours)

(1 of 5) In teens 11 - 19yo, Mononucleosis is the most common cause in a case of severe sore throat.

(2 of 5) Epstein-Barr virus and Cytomegalovirus, both herpes family viruses associated with Mononucleosis, should be tested, and are significant when found because they occur rarely.

(3 of 5) Organ therapeutic support for the Spleen is seldom indicated in clients with Mono.

(4 of 5) In our materia medica, the term scrofula suggests a similar pattern of lymphatic swelling in the throat, most often associated with Tubercular miasm.

(5 of 5) The remedy Hirudo is often indicated in Post-viral syndomes, and can be helpful in clients who do not recover from acute mono infection.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T08:26:17-07:00August 25th, 2022|

Chlamydia: 10 Cases in 5 Hours (5 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Chlamydia: 10 Cases in 5 Hours (5 hours)

(1 of 5) Prolonged subclinical infections in epithelial tissues that do not resolve, even for years, are typical of Chlamydial infection

(2 of 5) In chronic, longstanding genitourinary infection, with concomitant R shoulder pain, inflammation of the liver is likely to be present.

(3 of 5) A pregnant woman with chlamydia has a 50% chance of her child manifesting symptoms of conjunctivitis, and a 20% chance of manifesting symptoms of pneumonia.

(4 of 5) Chlamydia nosode is unlikely to be helpful in cases of impetigo when there is also a history of asthma.

(5 of 5) Chlamydia nosode is well indicated when there is no result to repeated urine culture, despite symptoms of frequent urging or discomfort.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T08:31:42-07:00August 25th, 2022|

Chlamydia: Disease, Sequelae, Miasm, Materia Medica (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Chlamydia: Disease, Sequelae, Miasm, Materia Medica (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Symptoms of chlamydia are so similar to other sexually transmitted infections that it was not recognized as a separate disease until the mid-1900s.

(2 of 5) Chlamydia trachomatis is the most commonly reported notifiable disease in the USA.

(3 of 5) An estimated 90% of chlamydial infections can be detected through symptoms of urinary and genital discharge and discomfort.

(4 of 5) Each of the chlamydia species that affect humans is sexually transmitted.

(5 of 5) Vagueness, obfuscation and lack of clarity runs throughout the proving of Chlamydia.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T08:35:44-07:00August 25th, 2022|

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (6 hours)

(1 of 5) The estimated proportion of those diagnosed with chronic fatigue / fibromyalgia / myalgic encephalitis who are female is

(2 of 5) Physiological pattern of pain in fibromyalgia tends to be focused in

(3 of 5) Chronic fatigue / fibromyalgia / myalgic encephalitis diagnosis is often long delayed. For our purposes as homeopaths, this pattern is best understood as

(4 of 5) Larger groupings of homeopathics most likely to support these chronic fatigue clients include

(5 of 5) Adjunct plan for most clients to support healthy Vitamin D metabolism and gut flora is likely to include

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T08:45:27-07:00August 22nd, 2022|

Nutrition to Boost Immunity (1 hr)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Nutrition to Boost Immunity (1 hr)

(1of5) Drinking 4 cups of coffee a day counts towards the hydration goal of up to 100 ounces of water daily

(2of5) The best example of a food in a nutrient dense whole food diet includes:

(3of5) A Vitamin A rich meal might include:

(4of5) Receiving nutrients from supplements is considered just as effective as getting nutrients from appropriate food sources.

(5of5) Getting adequate sleep is one of the 6 ways to boost the immune system discussed in this class

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T08:55:17-07:00August 22nd, 2022|
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