Welcome to your Skills for Client Populations (Addiction, Elders, Pediatrics, Trauma) (42 hrs)

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(1 of 5) Insomnia is a common complaint, estimated to be experienced within the prior 12 months by this percentage of US adults

(2 of 5) According to Boericke, a leading remedy to be considered for inability to fall asleep is

(3 of 5) Regardless of homeopathic plan, an important recommended adjunct for all clients includes

(4 of 5) Night terrors in clients with a pattern of recent strep infection and antibiotic use are likely to respond well to intercurrent doses of

(5 of 5) Sleep apnea and snoring can be carefully individualized with the symptoms (gasping, choking, coughing, sensation etc) and identifies these leading remedies

(1 of 5) According to Lise Battaglia, Bach Flower remedies are reliable in relieving limbic system disruption for clients with addiction issues.

(2 of 5) Homeopaths can safely assume that an elder is able to manage remedy scheduling and dosing independently.

(3 of 5) In her Brain Boosters class, Miranda Castro explains why the use of cell salts is contraindicated for pediatric use.

(4 of 5) According to Miranda Castro, effective acute care for infants and children includes support for the parents.

(5 of 5) According to Wanda Schick-Smith, in service clinics where client followup is uncertain, an effective dosing strategy is with a "chord" remedy that includes many potencies of the best indicated remedy in one aqueous solution to be taken in drop doses as needed.