Back Pain and Sciatica Therapeutics with Maryann Ivons, ND(Ret) (3 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Back Pain and Sciatica Therapeutics with Maryann Ivons, ND(Ret) (3 hours)

(1 of 5) What is the most common cause of both acute and chronic lower back pain?

(2 of 5) Sciatica is generally caused by

(3 of 5) Which remedy would you think of first in sciatica with numbness in the extremity?

(4 of 5) What remedy would you consider first if the client presented with severe back pain and stiffness that forced the client to walk bent over?

(5 of 5) What presentation of low back pain or sciatica would strongly suggest Dulcamara?

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T15:52:42-07:00September 13th, 2022|

Viewing Through Hahnemann's Eyes – Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD (2 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Viewing Through Hahnemann's Eyes - Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD (2 hours)

(1 of 5) Hahnemann describes the action of a curative remedy as distracting the life force from its attention on what was seen as something harmful to it.

(2 of 5) Hahnemann tells us that the physical body controls our spiritual essence.

(3 of 5) Hahnemann writes that those influences which cause illness cannot affect us unless we are susceptible to them. If we are not susceptible then we cannot be affected by them.

(4 of 5) Hahnemann, in discussing epidemics of cholera, says that a doctor or nurse can become immune to the disease in a few hours without any production of antibodies.

(5 of 5) Hahnemann describes epidemic diseases with an existence that is a non-physical miasm, like a cloud, that hovers over an infected area.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:00:26-07:00September 11th, 2022|

Hoarders and Hoarding: What a Homeopath Needs to know (2 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Hoarders and Hoarding: What a Homeopath Needs to know (2 hours)

(1 of 5) An estimated 75% of hoarders have some other diagnosed or recognizable mental health issue.

(2 of 5) More than a third of hoarders live in a filthy environment.

(3 of 5) Hoarding is an American phenomenon, very rarely seen in other countries and cultures.

(4 of 5) A client who does not allow others into his or her home, lives alone, and has difficulty making decisions would be a good candidate for screening questions for hoarders.

(5 of 5) Hoarding behaviors can be individualized for homeopathic assessment through inquiry into the motivations for acquisition and disposition of items.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:07:52-07:00September 10th, 2022|

Client and Case Management: Case Scenarios (7 hrs)

Welcome to your Client and Case Management: Case Scenarios (7 hrs)

(Course) Please assess this training based on your agreement with these statements:

  • Content was relevant for my needs; learning it was a good use of my time
  • Instructor effectively and professionally communicated current and applicable content
  • Learning platform provided reliable access to these training materials

(1 of 5) Insomnia is a common complaint, estimated to be experienced within the prior 12 months by this percentage of US adults

(2 of 5) According to Boericke, a leading remedy to be considered for inability to fall asleep is

(3 of 5) Regardless of homeopathic plan, an important recommended adjunct for all clients includes

(4 of 5) Night terrors in clients with a pattern of recent strep infection and antibiotic use are likely to respond well to intercurrent doses of

(5 of 5) Sleep apnea and snoring can be carefully individualized with the symptoms (gasping, choking, coughing, sensation etc) and identifies these leading remedies

(1 of 5) Practitioners should be aware that the total "cost" of participation in homeopathic consultations is more than the money paid.

(2 of 5) Harvard Business Review researchers found that companies rated consultants highly only when the consultant solved the problem they were hired to resolve.

(3 of 5) Return of old symptoms is a clear demonstration of action of the client's vital force.

(4 of 5) Karen Allen recommends strong and firm correction of misperceptions with angry clients who are upset and complaining about their experience with homeopathy.

(5 of 5) The client's experience of emotional pain can provide sensation and symptoms that identify a best indicated remedy.

2024-02-20T12:29:41-08:00September 10th, 2022|

Client and Case Management: Clinical Case Work (26 hours)

Welcome to your Client and Case Management: Clinical Case Work (26 hours)

(Course) Please assess this training based on your agreement with these statements:

  • Content was relevant for my needs; learning it was a good use of my time
  • Instructor effectively and professionally communicated current and applicable content
  • Learning platform provided reliable access to these training materials

(1 of 5) Insomnia is a common complaint, estimated to be experienced within the prior 12 months by this percentage of US adults

(2 of 5) According to Boericke, a leading remedy to be considered for inability to fall asleep is

(3 of 5) Regardless of homeopathic plan, an important recommended adjunct for all clients includes

(4 of 5) Night terrors in clients with a pattern of recent strep infection and antibiotic use are likely to respond well to intercurrent doses of

(5 of 5) Sleep apnea and snoring can be carefully individualized with the symptoms (gasping, choking, coughing, sensation etc) and identifies these leading remedies

(1 of 5) According to Karen Allen, it is a priority to get endocrine labwork for clients who have had a head injury in the past year.

(2 of 5) Regarding alcoholic clients, Karen recommends selecting a constutional remedy as the most effective strategy.

(3 of 5) Karen encourages each practitioner to consider safey and potential efficacy for each client interaction.

(4 of 5) According to Mary Jo Aloi, dividing the case symptoms into the various categories defined by Francisco Eizayaga can make clear possible options to take.

(5 of 5) Mary Jo Aloi encourages inclusion of therapeutic options in client plans, including intercurrent nosodes or sarcodes, use of organ therapeutics, gemmotherapy and vitmain supplements.

2024-02-20T12:30:03-08:00September 10th, 2022|

Skills for Client Populations (Addiction, Elders, Pediatrics, Trauma) (42 hrs)

Welcome to your Skills for Client Populations (Addiction, Elders, Pediatrics, Trauma) (42 hrs)

(Course) Please assess this training based on your agreement with these statements:

  • Content was relevant for my needs; learning it was a good use of my time
  • Instructor effectively and professionally communicated current and applicable content
  • Learning platform provided reliable access to these training materials

(1 of 5) Insomnia is a common complaint, estimated to be experienced within the prior 12 months by this percentage of US adults

(2 of 5) According to Boericke, a leading remedy to be considered for inability to fall asleep is

(3 of 5) Regardless of homeopathic plan, an important recommended adjunct for all clients includes

(4 of 5) Night terrors in clients with a pattern of recent strep infection and antibiotic use are likely to respond well to intercurrent doses of

(5 of 5) Sleep apnea and snoring can be carefully individualized with the symptoms (gasping, choking, coughing, sensation etc) and identifies these leading remedies

(1 of 5) According to Lise Battaglia, Bach Flower remedies are reliable in relieving limbic system disruption for clients with addiction issues.

(2 of 5) Homeopaths can safely assume that an elder is able to manage remedy scheduling and dosing independently.

(3 of 5) In her Brain Boosters class, Miranda Castro explains why the use of cell salts is contraindicated for pediatric use.

(4 of 5) According to Miranda Castro, effective acute care for infants and children includes support for the parents.

(5 of 5) According to Wanda Schick-Smith, in service clinics where client followup is uncertain, an effective dosing strategy is with a "chord" remedy that includes many potencies of the best indicated remedy in one aqueous solution to be taken in drop doses as needed.

2024-02-20T13:00:59-08:00September 10th, 2022|

Endocrine Overview and Repair (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Endocrine Overview and Repair (6 hours)

(1of5) Homeopathic potentizations made from endocrine glands are called

(2of5) The homeopathic remedy of Hypothalamus is indicated in which of these symptom clusters?

(3of5) According to Julian, one type of constitution that has increased vulnerability to hormonal disruption is

(4of5) According to Foubister, the remedy Folliculinum is very closely related to

(5of5) According to Banerji, one remedy very likely considered a specific in amenorrhea of overweight women with complex endocrine disruption is

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:11:52-07:00September 3rd, 2022|

Fertility Couples: Case Studies with Karen Allen, CCH(2 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Fertility Couples: Case Studies with Karen Allen, CCH(2 hours)

(1 of 5) Couples with a diagnosis of 'unexplained fertility' are unlikely to respond well to homeopathy.

(2 of 5) Male factor is relevant in 40-50% of infertility cases

(3 of 5) For each client, it is important to have recent lab reports

(4 of 5) Clients should continue attempts to conceive during the first 3 months of homeopathic work.

(5 of 5) Constitutional care is the most likely to bring about a healthy pregnancy.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:15:24-07:00August 27th, 2022|

Recurrent Miscarriage (4 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Recurrent Miscarriage (4 hours)

(1 of 5) An estimated 35% of pregnancies spontaneously terminate before the 20th week of gestation.

(2 of 5) Up to 40% of pregnancy loss events are estimated to derive from a male factor issue.

(3 of 5) Clotting within the placenta is rarely a contributing factor in early pregnancy loss.

(4 of 5) Certain professions and work environments are consistently associated with higher risk of spontaneous pregnancy loss.

(5 of 5) The specific gestational age at time of pregnancy termination is strongly suggestive of a curative homeopathic remedy, especially when there are multiple events with the same timing.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:18:48-07:00August 27th, 2022|

Menstrual Pain and Irregularity (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Menstrual Pain and Irregularity (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Primary amenorrhea is found in a case where

(2 of 5) In clients with irregular menstrual cycles following head injury, it is advisable to screen for

(3 of 5) Large epidemiological studies show that more than this percentage of young women report menstrual pain

(4 of 5) According to Burnett, adenomyosis ("boggy uterus") has been shown to respond well to organ support potencies of

(5 of 5) According to Nash, this remedy has a very strong affinity and action when BOTH the ovaries and uterus are affected and producing symptoms

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-04T16:22:26-07:00August 27th, 2022|
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