Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Viewing Through Hahnemann's Eyes - Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD (2 hours)

(1 of 5) Hahnemann describes the action of a curative remedy as distracting the life force from its attention on what was seen as something harmful to it.

(2 of 5) Hahnemann tells us that the physical body controls our spiritual essence.

(3 of 5) Hahnemann writes that those influences which cause illness cannot affect us unless we are susceptible to them. If we are not susceptible then we cannot be affected by them.

(4 of 5) Hahnemann, in discussing epidemics of cholera, says that a doctor or nurse can become immune to the disease in a few hours without any production of antibodies.

(5 of 5) Hahnemann describes epidemic diseases with an existence that is a non-physical miasm, like a cloud, that hovers over an infected area.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)