HUB – NCH Member Benefit

Thanks for supporting homeopathy with your NCH membership.

You are entitled to a 90 day free subscription to Rep on the HUB

Normally $5/mo, this is a $15 value benefit

for you as an NCH member!


Rep on the HUB is a carefully guided and complete 75 hour certificate training program in homeopathic repertory. This online, self paced program is taught by Karen Allen, CCH, author of the Tutorial and Workbook for Homeopathic Repertory – now a convenient e-course! See the full description here.

YOUR NCH discount code:


On the next page, click to enter your code, just above the account information where you see this:

Is it really free?

Yes! This is a member benefit only for NCH members. It does not cost you anything for 90 days of this complete repertory certificate program.

Can I finish the full certificate program in 90 days?

Yes, you can. It will definitely take some work! Plan to spend about an hour each day, 6 days per week, and you will be able to finish within 90 days.

When I finish, do I get a certificate?

Yes, you do. As you complete the lessons, check-ins, exercises and quizzes, you will be able to request your certificate. The HUB will verify completion of all the steps, and you will receive your individualized certificate by email, ready to print and frame.

I am already registered free on the HUB. Can I still use this NCH discount code?

Yes! Log in to the HUB, then come back to this page. Refresh your page, and then click the button above to enroll. On the enrollment page that appears next, you should see your name already entered in the account information.  Enter your discount code, and complete the enrollment.

I saw the HUB Lite subscription that includes other core training. Can I use this NCH discount code to get $5/month off HUB Lite for 90 days?

Nope. It does not work that way. The NCH benefit is specifically for the Rep on the HUB program. We encourage you to check out other NCH member benefits that might interest you.

I’m already a paid HUB subscriber. Can I still use this NCH discount code to get $5 off my monthly subscription for 90 days?

Nope. It does not work that way. As a paid subscriber you already have access to Rep on the HUB in your subscription. We encourage you to check out other NCH member benefits that might interest you.

What happens after 90 days?

Your Rep on the HUB enrollment will expire. The HUB will keep your completed training record safe for you in case you decide to continue at any point in the future. If you want to continue and complete the program to get your certificate, you can subscribe at the usual rate ($5/month) until you finish. You can also continue as a free registered HUB member to enjoy other Open Access content and training classes on the HUB.

I have a different question, or need something else. How do I get help?


Thanks, and Welcome to the HUB