Please complete this training exercise:  Repertory SelfCheck 1

Step 1: Choose two from this list of remedies: camphora, ceanothus, chimaphila, cimex, coccus cacti, coccinella septempunctata, craetegus, crocus, curare or cyprepaedium
Step 2: For your two chosen remedies, scan any materia medica you prefer (e.g. Clark, Allen, Herring, Boericke, Gibson, Farrington, Phatak, Vermeulen etc.) to select twenty symptoms that apply to the remedy. You will now have a 20-symptom list for each of your 2 chosen remedies
Step 3: For each symptom in your lists, select a section title, and write the symptom as a rubric, using whatever phrasing seems best to you, and
Step 4: Arrange symptoms from the the two lists together (some symptoms may be the same in both lists, so combine those) in the order they would follow if they were in Kent’s repertory.
Step 5: Compare your mini-repertory to Kent’s repertory for the symptoms you have included. Can you locate the actual rubrics? Are the remedies you chose included in those rubrics in the way they are in your mini-repertory?
Step 6: Copy/Paste the text of your mini-repertory into the answer box below
Need to review the visual example before you begin? Take a look at this mini-repertory.
Your response will be given full credit upon submission.

RP Task (2) Speak the full Latin name for each remedy abbreviation: acon, agar, alumn, anac, ant-c, ant-t, apis, arg-n, arn, ars, anth, bad, bapt, bar-c, bell, bell-p, berb, bor, brom, bry, bism, bar-m

RP Task (3) Speak the full Latin name for each remedy abbreviation: cact, calad, calc, calc-f, calc-p, calc-s, cann-i, canth, caps, carb-an, carb-v, caul, caust, cham, chel, chin, chlol, clem, coca, cocc, coloc, con, crot-h, cupr, cycl, dig, dros, dulc

RP Task (4) Speak the full Latin name for each remedy abbreviation: eup-per, euphr, ferr, ferr-p, fl-ac, gamb, gels, glon, graph, ham, hell, hep, hyos, hyper, ign, ip, kali-ar, kali-bi, kali-br, kali-c, kali-s, laur, lac-c, lach, led, lil-t, lob, lyc, mag-c, mag-m, mag-p, med, merc, mez

RP Task (5) Speak the full Latin name for each remedy abbreviation: nat-c, nat-m, nat-p, nat-s, nit-ac, nux-v, par, petr, ph-ac, phos, plat, puls, plb, rhus-t. rumex, ruta, sec, sep, sil, spong, staph, stram, sulph, syph, sul-ac, thuj, tub, tarent, ter, verat, zinc