Please complete this repertory exercise: Repertory Selfcheck 1.3

RP Cat (1) Select a category for the rubric: Head, Pain, sides, right

RP Cat (2) Select a category for the rubric: Face, Itching, cheeks

RP Cat (3) Select a category for the rubric: Chill, Anger, after

RP Cat (4) Select a category for the rubric: Eye, Pain, periodic

RP Cat (5) Select a category for the rubric: Skin, Ulcers, tingling

RP Cat (6) Select a category for the rubric: Vertigo, Floating, as if

RP Cat (7) Select a category for the rubric: Extremities, Cramps, thigh, night

RP Cat (8) Select a category for the rubric: Urine, Copious, fever, during

RP Cat (9) Select a category for the rubric: Mind, Irresolution, acts in

RP Cat (10) Select a category for the rubric: Throat, Jerking, to pit of stomach