Bacterial Vaginosis and Leucorrhea (4 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Bacterial Vaginosis and Leucorrhea (4 hours)

(1 of 5) Bacterial vaginosis is fundamentally a microbiome issue in the reproductive tract.

(2 of 5) Bacterial vaginosis occurs in both sexually active women and those who have never been sexually active.

(3 of 5) For most women, bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by much discomfort (itching, burning, irritation).

(4 of 5) More than 50% of women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis who are treated with antibiotics will have a recurrence within 12 months.

(5 of 5) The 'fishy' odor associated with bacterial vaginosis is noted in several likely homeopathic remedies that are leaders for this symptom pattern, including sanicula, medorrhinum, thuja and chlamydia nosode.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T09:03:25-07:00August 21st, 2022|

Candida Overview with Karen Allen, CCH (2 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Candida Overview with Karen Allen, CCH (2 hours)

(1 of 5) Clients present with candida as a consequence of dysbiosis.

(2 of 5) Local candida colonization in complaints such as angular chelitis are likely to respond to constitutional care, regardless of the remedy's miasmatic or body system affinities.

(3 of 5) For systemic candida, series therapy of the candida albicans remedy in ascending X potency is a strong option in addition to constitutional care.

(4 of 5) Correction of systemic dysbiosis using the bowel nosode Sycotic-Co is advised with timing of a date 10-14 days after the constitutional remedy has been given.

(5 of 5) Immune support adjuncts such as daily dosing of Thymuline or Spectrum are contraindicated in active candida infections.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T09:09:29-07:00August 21st, 2022|

Sleep Topics – Insomnia, Snoring, Apnea, Nightmares (6 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Sleep Topics - Insomnia, Snoring, Apnea, Nightmares (6 hours)

(1 of 5) Insomnia is a common complaint, estimated to be experienced within the prior 12 months by this percentage of US adults

(2 of 5) According to Boericke, a leading remedy to be considered for inability to fall asleep is

(3 of 5) Regardless of homeopathic plan, an important recommended adjunct for all clients includes

(4 of 5) Night terrors in clients with a pattern of recent strep infection and antibiotic use are likely to respond well to intercurrent doses of

(5 of 5) Sleep apnea and snoring can be carefully individualized with the symptoms (gasping, choking, coughing, sensation etc) and identifies these leading remedies

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relevant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-06-06T07:50:22-07:00August 21st, 2022|

Organ Therapeutics: Liver/Thyroid/Uterus (6 hrs)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Organ Therapeutics: Liver/Thyroid/Uterus (6 hrs)

(1of5) According to Radamacher, the 'seat of disease' is

(2of5) According to Burnett, the most likely first option for liver organ support is

(3of5) According to Burnett, a well indicated constitutional remedy may not act in a particular sphere of pathology when

(4of5) Thyroid hormones are activated

(5of5) Based on Karen Allen's clinical experience, when the liver/thyroid/uterus triad is disturbed, the most reliable starting point is

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T09:16:54-07:00August 15th, 2022|

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (2 hrs)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (2 hrs)

(1of5) Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a local condition of infection within the tissues of the thyroid gland.

(2of5) Women with Hashimoto's thyroiditis are 2-3 times more likely to miscarry than women without thyroid conditions.

(3of5) Using Von Grauvogl's oxygenoid constitution patterns with immune compromise, anemia and reproductive issues provide an effective framework for homeopathic support.

(4of5) Use if intercurrent sarcodes such as anterior pituitary or thyroidinum are contraindicated in Hashimoto's thyroidities.

(5of5) Along with strong constitutional care, organ support for the spleen and the blood are important components of care for these clients.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T09:19:28-07:00August 15th, 2022|

Eyes and Vision (2 hrs)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Eyes and Vision (2 hrs)

(1of5) The eyes are a physiological extension of the brain.

(2of5) Oxygen deprivation is a precipitating factor in cataracts.

(3of5) According to Burnett, cataracts have dissolved and disappeared using the homeopathic Calcarea flourica.

(4of5) According to Farrington, the remedy Physostigma intensifies the action of Gelsemium, a homeopathic leader for glaucoma.

(5of5) Eyes heal more slowly than many other body structures, so time to healing should be expected to be longer.

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T09:22:38-07:00August 15th, 2022|

Organ Therapeutics: Gonads and Neuralgia (6 hrs)

Welcome to your Organ Therapeutics: Gonads and Neuralgia (6 hrs)

(1of5) A reliable guideline for organ therapeutics is to

(Course) Please assess this training based on your agreement with these statements:

  • Content was relevant for my needs; learning it was a good use of my time
  • Instructor effectively and professionally communicated current and applicable content
  • Learning platform provided reliable access to these training materials

(2of5) An important tonic for the endocrine system in general and gonads in particular is

(3of5) An important organ therapeutic for the pancreas generally, and for gout in particular, is

(4of5) A frequently used organ therapeutic herb for the kidneys is

(5of5) In James Compton-Burnett's book on neuralgias, he frequently recommends

(3of5) Endocrine gland sarcodes are to be considered as organ support for gonads especially when

(4of5) James Compton-Burnett taught that the most often and most effectively used therapeutic in his neuralgia cases was

2024-02-20T12:57:03-08:00August 14th, 2022|

Organ Therapeutics: Foundational Level 1 (11 hrs)

Welcome to your Organ Therapeutics: Foundational Level 1 (11 hrs)

(2of5) According to Radamacher, the 'seat of disease' is

(Course) Please assess this training based on your agreement with these statements:

  • Content was relevant for my needs; learning it was a good use of my time
  • Instructor effectively and professionally communicated current and applicable content
  • Learning platform provided reliable access to these training materials

(1of5) According to James Compton Burnett, organ therapeutics address

(3of5) Organ therapeutics for the weak link of the lungs are most accurately selected

(4of5) Organ supports for the spleen include this tonic plant remedy and this cell salt

(5of5) Lymphatic and immune weakness with chronic cough can often be supported with

2024-02-20T12:56:54-08:00August 14th, 2022|

Health Sciences Review: Neuro, Cardio, Respiratory (25 hours)

Welcome to your Health Sciences Review: Neuro, Cardio, Respiratory (25 hours)

(5of5) Research shows that when a client is told specifically that they have been given a placebo, then

(Course Quality) To what extent did the quality and usefulness of this training benefit you, based on your agreement with these statements:

(Course) Please assess this training based on your agreement with these statements:

  • Content was relevant for my needs; learning it was a good use of my time
  • Instructor effectively and professionally communicated current and applicable content
  • Learning platform provided reliable access to these training materials

(5of5) Respiratory function balances levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions in the blood which

(4of5) Red blood cells are created in bone marrow, and later broken down in the

(3of5) Smallest blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body's individual cells are

(2of5) Febrile seizures in children are

(1of5) A stroke or Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) is caused by

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(4of5) An autonosode is made for a client from which of these sources

(3of5) The most widely used Bach Flower Remedy formula is

(2of5) One of Schuessler's cell salts that is well indicated for clearing fluid in ears and eustachian tubes:

(1of5) Therapeutic adjuncts are often helpful as they support the client while

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

2024-02-20T12:49:21-08:00July 7th, 2022|

Fragile Pregnancy Assessment and Therapeutics (9 hours)

Welcome to your completion knowledge survey and quality assessment for Fragile Pregnancy Assessment and Therapeutics (9 hours)

(1 of 5) In recurrent early pregnancy loss, a crucial detail for accurate homeopathic assessment is

(2 of 5) In subchorionic hematoma, the retrospective case study show efficacy with the use of which two homeopathics:

(3 of 5) Nausea of pregnancy that is aggravated by cooking odors and consistently better after eating indicates which homeopathic:

(4 of 5) Epidemiological findings show that a woman with gestational diabetes is more likely to

(5 of 5) When planning for use of homeopathy with the client's childbirth team, the most important participant to have onboard is

(Course 1of4) To what extent was this training useful, relvant and applicable to you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • This training was a good use of my time
  • It contributes to my professional effectiveness and/or improves my ability to help and manage clients/patients
  • It addresses a professional practice gap in my knowledge or experience
  • I feel confident that I will be able to apply what I learned here in my practice

(Course 2of4) To what extent was the presenter of this training effective and competent based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The instructor presented current information and seemed knowledgeable about the topic
  • The length of the program was appropriate for the instructor's coverage of the intended material
  • The instructor communicated clearly, and any visual aids or additional reference documents contributed to my learning
  • The instructor related the presentation content to clinical practice
  • The instructor's presentation appeared balanced, fair and free of commercial bias

(Course 3of4) To what extent was the learning platform, technology and connectivity appropriate for you based on your agreement with these statements:

  • The learning platform functioned as intended to provide this training
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction with the instructor (comments, Q&A)
  • The learners were engaged in the training experience appropriately through this learning platform
  • The learning platform allowed for meaningful interaction between learners (comments, Q&A)

2024-05-05T11:01:46-07:00June 29th, 2022|
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