Bite Sized Classes

Our 20-45 minute classes are short on jargon and long on practical takeaways. We focus on what you need to know. Your study is self paced, so you can jump in and out as you need to… because life happens, every day, week, month and year.

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Each certificate represents a skill set, with training that includes classes, learned action guides, and quizzes. You’ll be learning and using your new skills all along the way! Finish up, then print your certificate. For adult learners, certificate programs help you focus, and nudge you to complete each “chunk” of learning. We all like to be awarded for our careful work!

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How Often?

With bite sized weekly classes you’ll soak up the skills without the overwhelm! Consider your available time as you choose which of our three enrollment levels is best matched for you and those you love. Each week there will be 1 new lesson made available for each program you have selected for enrollment.

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How Long?

Each certificate includes about 12 – 16 hours of training. Let’s do some math on that: A 12 hour certificate with 24 half hour weekly sessions would be done in about 4-6 months. Timing is a bit different for each program. And your timing will vary too. There is no deadline pressure here, just an opportunity for healthy self reliance!

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Who can enroll?

Everyday people who want to learn safe and effective self care for themselves and those within the circle of their care – family members, loved ones, even pets! Healthy Self Reliance(SM) programs are open to all adults (over 18) who would like to develop self care skills.

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How much time will I spend?

Plan for about 35-60 minutes per lesson each week to view the lessons, make notes about using these self care skills in your own situation, and try out what you are learning. Weave this time into your day – watch videos as you cook a meal, fold laundry, clean the bathroom, wait for an appointment to begin, or as you carve out some quiet, focused time for yourself each week.

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What does it cost?

Foundation program $27/month for Homeopathy for Me & We and Kitchen Medicine

Expanded program:  $47/month adds Biochemic Cell Salts, Bach Flower Remedies and Monthly Study Group

Total program:  $77/month adds Physical Medicine, Off the Grid, Environmental/Climate Change Acutes and Monthly Meet Ups

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What do I need to participate?

These are online, on-demand learning programs in self care. For access, you’ll need a device (smart phone, tablet, computer) and internet access with enough bandwidth to stream videos and the capability to download and store or print .pdf documents. There are also self care supplies for your home that are discussed within the programs, such as homeopathic medicines for the Homeopathy for Me & Us, and salt or clay for the Kitchen Medicine program.

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Can I download video lessons to watch offline?

Nope. All of our video lessons are organized on the Vimeo platform to ensure safe, bug-free, reliable and speedy access for you using your device wherever you are connected to the web. We don’t download videos, or sell them on disc or other format. You will be able to download the lesson .pdf documents.

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