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With more than 150 years of historical use, cell salts have been shown to be safe, simple to use, and effective. They help us to nourish and repair our cells and tissues, support healthy metabolism and much more. The time you invest in learning to use them will repay you many times over as they help you, your family, and your clients!

Homeopaths use many of Schuessler’s original compounds in our day to day materia medica for acute and chronic care. The 12 foundational cell salts are just the beginning. There are more than 2 dozen additional mineral compounds that make up the extended cell salt catalog. Through this 52 week course with Karen Allen and guest instructors, you will learn them all!

Biochemics basics + Seeing Tissue Affinities + Mineral biology: What, Where, How + Salts of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium & Sodium + Gold salts & heavy metals + Catalysts & Halides + Nutritive minerals & Toxins + Purchasing supplies + Indications & Dosing + Monitoring response + Staying safe: recognizing what is beyond self care + Ethics of Self Care