MatMed Imponderables: Sam, Clem and Magnets
May 21 @ 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm PDT
Hahnemann called them Imponderables: those subtle influences like heat, cold, sunlight and magnetic fields that clearly effect us even though they are not in a material physical form that we can touch. Underutilized as a group, these remedies are worthy of more awareness and use!
Join us for this MatMed on the HUB series, open to all, with remedies that are made from non-material sources… from sun, moon and colored lights through electrical, radioactive and sound. You might be surprised to learn that some of the imponderable provings were completed in the 1880s. We will also be looking at newer provings. No long lectures, no power points, no extensive research to review… just clear clinical indications, sourcing, and materia medica references where you can read more if you are curious… all in about 25-30 minutes on the fly!
NEW LINK INFORMATION: Over the past year, we used two different links for the MatMed on the HUB series and the Organs on the HUB series. Since these two series alternate weeks in the same Tuesday time slot, this created some confusion (which link?? which week?? which class today??). To simplify, BOTH the MatMed and Organs series will use the same Organs on the HUB link going forward. If you were not previously registered for the Organs series, you can do so here! Watch your email for each live session’s invitation with your personalized link to join in with Karen, your colleagues and friends. All MatMed on the HUB live sessions are free and open to all in our community – buddy up with a colleague to learn, discuss and implement your materia medica knowledge!
Not available for a live session and looking for a recording later? While the live sessions are freely provided for all, the recorded MatMed sessions are available to HUB professional subscribers to stream on demand and get ACHENA CEUs. Organs on the HUB recorded sessions are available to HUB Professional and HUB-Lite subscribers to stream on demand. The HUB incurs costs each day for website and video, content and communications, subscriber support and accreditation; our subscribers help us to cover these costs and stay in business. Our HUB Registered (free) members can enjoy selected videos from this series on the Open Access resources page, which is updated with new content monthly!