Level | Price | Action |
One Year Pass |
$295.00 per Year. |
Select |
Quarterly Pass |
$89.00 every 3 Months. |
Select |
Monthly Pass |
$33.00 per Month. |
Select |
HUB-Lite |
$12.00 per Month. |
Select |
Rep on the HUB |
$5.00 per Month. |
Select |
Registered |
Free. |
Select |
Startup to Stellar 2023-24 |
Free. Membership expires after 24 Months. |
Select |
Donation from HUB Subscriber |
Free. |
Select |
Donation from Registered HUB member |
Free. |
Select |
Foundation HSR |
$27.00 per Month. |
Select |
Total HSR |
$77.00 per Month. |
Select |
Expanded HSR |
$47.00 per Month. |
Select |
NCH Benefit Counseling |
Free. Membership expires after 6 Months. |
Select |
Gift Year Pass for a Friend |
$295.00 now. |
Select |
Membership LevelsKA2021-02-11T23:39:03-08:00