Karen is the founder of Trinity Health Hub

Karen Allen is an experienced integrative healthcare practitioner. A dramatic family health circumstance prompted her to change careers from software development to health care. After completing the homeopathic program at Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine in San Francisco, she began practicing in 1994. For the past decade, her work has been primarily focused on endocrine, reproductive and fertility issues. In 2018 she began the development of Trinity Health Hub as a resource for supporting and expanding homeopathy as an effective and widely available therapeutic option. She maintains a small private practice which is closed to new clients.

She is a recognized and nationally awarded thought leader, whose leadership and teaching has been influential for a generation of homeopaths. In 2015, she received the Henry L Williams Professional Service award from the National Center for Homeopathy. For more detail, read this interview from National Center for Homeopathy 2017.

As an educator, Karen’s training offers a strong emphasis in clinical efficacy, using homeopathy and other integrative therapeutics to broaden practitioner skills.

As an advocate for credentialing within integrative healthcare, Karen served as a board member and past president of the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC). In 2013, she was awarded the distinctive Defining Our Profession award from the board of the CHC for contributions to the profession.

From 2012 through 2015, she served as Education Director for Homeopaths without Borders (NA) focusing on establishment of a self sustaining homeopathic profession in Haiti. During 4 trips to Haiti in 2012, she developed and taught the foundational materials for a text that develops the skill set of Homeopathe Communitaire for Haitians.

From 2013 through 2015, Karen served on the Board of Directors for the Integrative Health Policy Consortium( IHPC) as a representative for the National Center for Homeopathy as a Partner for Health.

From 2020 through the present, she currently serves as president of the Accrediting Commission for Homeopathy in North America (ACHENA).

Education and Training

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Bachelor of Science Computer Sci
Additional training in education, presentation, curriculum development, student objectives and Assessment, multi-media training techniques

Pacific Academy of Homeopathy, San Francisco, CA Professional 3yr certificate
Additional training in counseling, client management, endocrine system and hormonal balancing, herbal therapies for fertility, gemmotherapy

Professional Affiliations

Faculty / Teaching Experience

Bastyr University Adjunct Faculty, Dept of Homeopathy 2001 – 2007
Bastyr University is a leading naturopathic university, located in Seattle, WA

American Medical College of Homeopathy at the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture Adjunct Faculty, Homeopathic Philosophy 2014 – 2019
AMCH at PIHMA is an accredited homeopathic training program based in Phoenix, AZ.

Faculty or Lecturer at Homeopathic Schools / Conferences 6/2001 – present