The Homeopathic Nurses Association (HNA) was established in 1985 by a group of nurses with a vision that nurses are a vital force in homeopathy.

Through their ongoing dedication and outreach, HNA has become the leading organization to represent and support nurse homeopaths globally. HNA offers many membership benefits including monthly professional development meetings, a mentorship program, quarterly newsletter, scholarships, grants, and continuing professional education in homeopathy.


The HNA Continuing Professional Education (CPE) was developed to support HNAs Mission…to provide learning opportunities for nurses, worldwide, who are interested in studying, and/or using homeopathy in their professional lives.

There are three HNA – CPE Series

Each 60-minute Learning Module is offered virtually and designed to be engaging and interactive. Series are approved for homeopathic continuing education and will be submitted for nursing continuing education approval.
The HNA – CPE is a membership benefit. Nurses and other interested learners can purchase a Series or individual Learning Module(s) by going to the HNA Website (link to be added).

Series 1: Nursing  and  Homeopathy

  • Homeopathy & Nursing Practice
  • History & Evolution of Homeopathy
  • Nursing’s Practice of Homeopathy: Regulation, Scope & Ethics

Series 2: Homeopathic Skills Building for Nurses

Series 3: Creating and Building a Practice

The HUB/HNA Collaboration established in 2023 aligns with the HUB’s public benefit mission and HNA’s global nursing vision. HUB services and functionality provide a professional platform that supports and promotes HNA’s desire to offer learning opportunities for nurses, worldwide, who are interested in studying, and/or using homeopathy in their professional lives.