News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

September On the HUB

An Announcement from our friends at the AIH:

Groundbreaking Science:
Homeopathy and the Future of Global Health
October 20-22, 2023
Location: In-person and virtual
Conference site: UConn Health. Farmington, CT
Event Description: The American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH), The Faculty of Homeopathy (the pre-eminent homeopathic organization in the U.K.), and the prestigious International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects host the first large-scale homeopathic research conference in the U.S.
The event will be held at UConn Health. UConn Health is a major medical school and a teaching hospital in Connecticut. The event will feature leading research scientists and physicians from around the world presenting the latest basic science, pre-clinical and clinical research in homeopathy. The event is open to the public, is virtual and in-person, and if you are unable to attend on the days it takes place, it will be recorded for later viewing by all conference registrants.



An Announcement from our friends at AFHC:

“Whole Foods Market (WFM) is quietly eliminating almost all single tube homeopathic medicines from its store shelves nationwide over the next several months. These are the ones that you typically get from the display cases that have single remedies in alphabetical order from A to Z… This was a business decision made by WFM management, and, needless to say, we think it was a bad one. That’s why we’re asking you to contact WFM and let them know that you value having homeopathic remedies available at your local WFM store.”


       Valeriania officinalis:
     the Xanax of the 1880s
            Tuesday September 5th
                7pm ET / 4pm PT ( 20-30min)

This remedy was a popular polychrest in the era of our homeopathic masters Stapf, Clarke, Compton-Burnett, Farrington, and many more. It slipped into the sidelines.
“It is so much abused as an anti-spasmodic by the old school, that Homeopathicians are too apt to neglect it. But it occupies its definite place in the treatment of Hysteria, differing from all other nervines.” Farrington
Join Karen for quick, clear indications of Valeriana – ideal for this time of unprecedented environmental and social stress for many of our clients right now!

Open to All. Get YOUR Access Link.
Register once for access to the full Valerianate series.

    HUB-Lite is Expanding:
Simple Organ Therapeutic Supports
Begins September 12th:  2nd & 4th Mondays  7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT
One topic – One organ – One therapeutic – in 20-30 minutes

James Compton-Burnett was among London’s most successful and influential homeopaths. He was introduced to homeopathy during his medical internship at an asylum in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1876. In his busy practice, he integrated Rademacher’s organopathy with homeopathy. He saw these approaches as perfectly aligned. To Burnett, Radamacher was as much a hero as Hahnemann!

We begin our new series, sharing Burnett’s clear and simple indications and dosing strategies, on September 12th. In each 20-30 minute session, Karen Allen is your tour guide for one topic, one therapeutic, one organ support. Live sessions for Organs on the HUB will be open to everyone in our community. Recorded replay of these sessions will be available for HUB-Lite and HUB professional subscribers.


Monthly PA Meetups (4th Mondays) 
Working with Polarity Analysis is better when we share our enthusiasm, cases and questions with others who are also learning / using this method!  You are invited to join hosts Karen Allen, CCH or Margery Stearns, CCH, with invited guest presenters!
In recognition of the growing international HUB subscriber community, we are flexibly scheduling these events in a morning US time one month (accessible for our European colleagues) and an afternoon / evening US time for alternate months (accessible for our Asia / Pacific  colleagues.) Join in using the access link in your subscriber home page.

September: This Week on the HUB
Hey Subscribers, here’s what awaits you on the HUB – the underlined links in this image are not active, but they will be when you log in!


Start Up to Stellar with Karen Allen
        begins September 20th:
Dates on Calendar are Closer Than They Appear
Wednesdays (30 min) 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT
Introducing 7 specific focus tracks for practitioner and practice development!  Each track (4 to 8 weeks) builds bite sized and practical skills for busy homeopaths. Year round plan.


Her ovarian cysts were diagnosed at 38yo…

Citing cancer risk, her doctor advised removal. She postponed having them removed, asserting that her risk of ovarian cancer was low due to her clear family history, and her personal history of a strong case of mumps as a child. (Actually the research shows that is a thing!)  Over the next decade, cysts grew larger, and at 49yo she had both ovaries removed… and then hot flashes, acne rosaceae and feeling hyped all the time became her new status quo. This case demonstrates use of rubrics about the ovaries! .
Listen to the Repertory: Cases Podcast on Apple


Homeopathy is Global – so is the HUB
The HUB community includes homeopaths in Argentina – Australia – Bangladesh – Brazil – Bulgaria – Canada – Canary Islands (Spain) – Colombia – Croatia – Denmark – England – Estonia – France – Germany – Greece – Hong Kong – India – Ireland – Israel – Japan – Lebanon – Malaysia – Mexico – Netherlands – New Zealand – Norway – Pakistan – Philippines – Poland – Portugal – Romania – Saudi Arabia – Scotland – Singapore – Slovenia – Spain – Sweden – Switzerland – Taiwan – Turkey – Ukraine – United Arab Emirates – United States – Uruguay

Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
Copyright 2023


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