News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

August On the HUB

    Strychninum valerianicum
            Tuesday August 15th
                7pm ET / 4pm PT ( 20-30min)

It’s all about the alkaloids!  Strychninum is an alkaloid of Nux vomica….  and ALSO of Ignatia amara…  The Homeopathic Pharmacoepeia notes the remedy source of Strychninum purum as: “Obtained from the seeds of Strychnos nux vomica and other Strychnos species.”  In our materia medica, the Strychnos Genus remedies also include Curare, Gaultheriana and Upas tieute. Strychninum purum makes an excellent collaborator with Valerianicum!
“This remedy should be studied in the cases of women in whom there is great NERVOUS ERETHISM, or where there is exhaustion of the brain power.”  Blackwood’s Manual
Join Karen for insight into the uses of Strychninum valerianicum – ideal for this time of unprecedented environmental and social stress for many of our clients. The Valerianate remedies were the benzodiazepines of the 1880s and we can help our clients with them in the challenges of today!

Open to All. Get YOUR Access Link.
Register once for access to the full Valerianate series.

News from Paola Brown and our friends at AFHC:
The Senate Appropriations Committee included strong language in their report that accompanies the Appropriations bill that speaks to the overarching need to define a distinct pathway for the legal marketing of homeopathic medicines.
Now, we have an opportunity in the House to send an amendment to the floor that would help protect access to homeopathic medicines in the interim (Appropriations bills are 1-year bills). Now is the time to FLOOD the U.S. House with your messages of support asking your member of Congress to cosponsor this amendment. (Later we hope to ask them to vote for the amendment, but for now, we need you to ask them to cosponsor it to help advance it to the floor.)
Why is this amendment so important? Because FDA’s new policy (known as “guidance”) states that any homeopathic product may be pulled off the market at any time for any reason or no reason at all except that it is an “unapproved new drug.”
Don’t let anyone tell you that this change doesn’t matter! The FDA has already pulled all injectable homeopathic medicines off the U.S. market, and they did it in one coordinated move against all manufacturers and importers of these products within a few days. These medicines were used successfully for decades by physicians to help their patients control pain without opioids. Now, those medicines are gone. We can’t let this happen again!
The amendment will prevent the FDA from arbitrarily withdrawing safe homeopathic medicines. The FDA would have to cite a safety problem which can only apply to a specific product from a specific source – NOT to groups of medicines such as all versions of Belladonna from all manufacturers. In short, the amendment is designed to prevent another homeopathic medicine massacre like what happened to injectables.
To ask your member of the U.S. House to cosponsor this amendment, click through to our landing page and send our ready-made message.Just fill out the form and when you are ready, click submit and your comment will automatically be sent to your member of the House of Representatives.



August: This Week on the HUB
Hey Subscribers, here’s what awaits you on the HUB – the underlined links in this image are not active, but they will be when you log in!


HUB Spotlight: Polarity Analysis 3 part series with Tim Shannon, Mike Knapp and Karen Allen
  3 Thursdays August 17, 24, 31.  7pm ET  /  4pm PT (30min)

Wondering what Polarity Analysis is all about?
Have you heard about Boenninghausen’s brilliant insight? 
This is what he observed:
  • While both sides of a modality (better or worse from) may be present within a remedy state, one side tends to be dominant. Bryonia is known for worse from motion, and this is the dominant side of the modality… but the provings also produced symptoms of better from motion, the weaker side of the modality.
  • The remedy will only move the client strongly toward cure when the dominant side of the symptom modality for that remedy is present in the client.
  • When the client’s symptoms match with the weaker side of the remedy modality, then that remedy will not bring about a strong, curative response.
  • These dominant and weaker sides of a modality are known as poles – they are polar opposites!
This is the basis of Polarity Analysis. The symptoms with a dominant pole (side of the modality) will always be more reliable in healing, and the symptoms with a weaker pole are much less likely to bring about a sustained and curative response.
Polarity analysis helps us to clearly see those remedies most likely to act deeply. It also helps us to clearly see which remedies (with weaker pole symptoms) are unlikely, and do not need to take our time with further investigation.
Heiner Frei, Swiss pediatrician and homeopath, has worked for decades to refine this approach that Boenninghausen mapped out. He pioneered the Polarity Analysis repertorization software that makes remedies with these dominant and weaker poles easily visible.  His published research shows the efficacy of Polarity Analysis. It is a reliable and practical tool for homeopaths. Dip your toes in an learn more.



HUB auto-logout security update
After 9 hours of inactivity, the HUB logs you out in order to protect your account and the HUB website. With our new update, you will get an onscreen message (after 9 hours of inactivity) asking if you would like to continue your HUB session. If there is no response, then you will be logged out of your inactive HUB session. The autologout will close the browser window (tab) you were using for access to the HUB.
This autologout after a time of inactivity, which is widely used by banks and online merchants, prevents bad actors on the web from “cookie hijacking” your account.  It sounds like a funny phrase, but the results are not funny. When this happens, the browser-held details about you and your inactive session are stolen and used to start a new session, or access other information about you. For example, many people use the same password and user name in many different accounts… you can see how this could be a problem! The HUB’s new security update is now keeping you (and your browser cookies) safer!



Little gal, big pregnant belly, umbilical hernia.  After the birth, she had a surgical repair. Now in the months afterward, she has pain and constipation…

She says she is afraid to cough because the pain is so bad around her bellybutton.  And when she stands up, she feels like her belly is collapsing in on itself!  Let’s find some rubrics…
Listen to the Repertory: Cases Podcast on Apple


Karen Allen’s very popular and practical course in building a successful practice is back, and better than ever. The course material has been updated, and separated into focus tracks that are spread out across a year. This makes it easier to incorporate into your practice as you go along! Join in for some or all. Get the support of a Stellar Team – colleagues who keep you on track with a short weekly meeting. The material is unique, rare and  valuable – hundreds of your colleagues have taken this course. Past attendees are always welcome back to audit the class (free of charge) as SuperStellars.
The opportunity is there for you right now – take it!
Team up with a colleague or study buddy to take it together.

Sept 20 – Oct 25, 2023   Being Real: Defining My Practice


Nov 1 – Dec 13, 2023   Attracting and Onboarding Clients


Jan 10 – Feb 28, 2024    Homeopathy Clinical Sandwich: Intakes, Analysis, Timing, and Best Practices


Mar 6 – Apr 10, 2024  Homeopathy Clinical Sandwich: Follow ups, Case Management


Apr 24 – May 29, 2024   Client Engagement and Retention, Completion


Jun 5 – Jun 26, 2024    Client Mgmt, Issue Resolution, Referrals


Aug 21 – Sept 11 2024    Long Term Success, Practice Mgmt, Prof’l Engagement


Homeopathy is Global – so is the HUB
The HUB community includes homeopaths in Argentina – Australia – Bangladesh – Brazil – Bulgaria – Canada – Canary Islands (Spain) – Colombia – Croatia – Denmark – England – Estonia – France – Germany – Greece – Hong Kong – India – Ireland – Israel – Japan – Lebanon – Malaysia – Mexico – Netherlands – New Zealand – Norway – Pakistan – Philippines – Poland – Portugal – Romania – Saudi Arabia – Scotland – Singapore – Slovenia – Spain – Sweden – Switzerland – Turkey – Ukraine – United Arab Emirates – United States – Uruguay

Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
Copyright 2023


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