News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

July On the HUB

Better Success with Audit
            Monday July 24th
                7pm ET / 4pm PT (1hr)

Audit – eeek – sounds scary, doesn't it?  The first time I audited my practice,
I was terrified – would I find that
I am really awful at
the most important work of my life??? 
Most of us learn that we are doing better than we expected, because we remember most clearly those cases we are worried about, aggravations, missteps, complications, nonresponse. We tend to forget about what is going really well. So buddy up and dive in with Karen Allen for this working session as we all conduct an audit.
Karen provides a very simple method and shows you 3 CRUCIAL ELEMENTS of audit data that will improve your practice every time!
Open to all homeopaths – join us!
Register to Get YOUR Access Link

The HUB is a signer on
The People's Declaration for Traditional,
Complementary and Integrative Healthcare 

On 3 July 2023, the TCIH Coalition, representing over 300 civil society organizations (CSO), engaged in a productive dialogue with Dr Tedros, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and senior WHO officials, on the priorities and challenges facing traditional, complementary, and integrative health (TCIH) at global, regional, and country levels. The 90-minute CSO-WHO DG Dialogue attracted over 600 virtual attendees, underscoring the interest and importance of the dialogue.

During this significant dialogue, representatives of the TCIH Coalition, comprising professionals from different TCIH professions and diverse geographical backgrounds, underscored the importance of consumer’s right to choose the healthcare they desire, planetary health, TCIH as a valuable insufficiently tapped resource to healthcare, TCIH research, TCIH education and Indigenous Healthcare. The unified voice of the TCIH Coalition resonated in their call for WHO's support in developing policy frameworks that recognize and integrate TCIH approaches on a global scale.


July Week 4 on the HUB
Hey Subscribers, here's what awaits you on the HUB – the underlined links in this image are not active, but they will be when you log in!

HUB Enhancements

With over 700 hours of stream-on-demand training on the HUB, you have let us know that finding the class you want can be tough. To make it easier for you, the HUB Courses page is NEW.
You can use the HUB Courses page as an index to locate and click through to the class you want to stream. It is always in the top menu for you.

  • A new Search Bar at top of the page lets you search a keyword
  • The redesign provides better access for mobile device HUB visits
  • The HUB Courses page now has quick jump links to all the active course series so that you can easily catch a recent class recording
  • The Learning Track courses are now listed in horizontal format, easier to read and easier to scroll through when looking for something
  • Learning Tracks have been re-ordered on the page based on access stats from the past year, so that the most popular tracks come up first
  • ACHENA CEU Accredited course are flagged with a green check ✅

At a New Orleans family wedding, he ate a LOT of food… and truly, a little lactofermented pickled okra goes a long way

12 hours later… sour… slime… gurgle…. you know what is coming next, don't you? This is the last of 4 cases in this series on repertory Taste rubrics.
Listen to the Repertory: Cases Podcast on Apple

Rep on the HUB trains independent study / home learners as well as those enrolled in school!
IF YOU'RE in school: Download a letter for your school to verify your enrollment from your Rep E-course Foundation page. Schools can contact the HUB at any time to verify student enrollment and completion status.

CHC Exam Bootcamp:
Free Sessions with Deb Monlux
+ HUB Discount ($100)
Prepare to embark on an exciting adventure before taking the CHC exam! Join Deb Monlux's free Bootcamp workshops in August. You will dive into the criteria needed, and try out some Bootcamp multiple-choice questions derived from Exam Content Outline. Have a bit of fun too with this sneak peek into the Homeopathy Exam Bootcamp 7-week session.

HUB members enjoy a $100 discount for the CHC Bootcamp that begins August 14th, 2023. Email to request your HUB coupon code by Aug 8th. 

Choose a Free Workshop Date with Deb

Foundational training in repertory, core skills and health sciences: the HUB offers a few of our most popular learning tracks for students and independent study learners at home.


Homeopathy is Global – so is the HUB
The HUB community includes homeopaths in Argentina – Australia – Bangladesh – Brazil – Bulgaria – Canada – Canary Islands (Spain) – Colombia – Croatia – Denmark – England – Estonia – France – Germany – Greece – Hong Kong – India – Ireland – Israel – Japan – Lebanon – Malaysia – Mexico – Netherlands – New Zealand – Norway – Pakistan – Philippines – Poland – Portugal – Romania – Saudi Arabia – Scotland – Singapore – Slovenia – Spain – Sweden – Switzerland – Turkey – Ukraine – United Arab Emirates – United States – Uruguay

Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
Copyright 2023


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