News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

May On the HUB

Do you use the Valeriana group of remedies?
Ammonium valerianicum
Atropinum valerianicum
Chininum valerianicum
Ferrum valerianicum
Strychninum valerianicum
Valeriana officinalis
Zincum valerianicum Valeriana Adjuncts

"Valerian was the benzodiazepine (i.e., Ativan®, Librium®, Valium®, Xanax®) of the ages and was used in people prone to anxiety, overthinking and worrying… slowing down the nervous system, producing a calming rather than a sedating effect, reducing stress levels…  relatively side effect free and not addictive… used for all of the same indications as modern-day benzodiazepines such as anxiety, nervousness, epilepsy and muscle tension. This makes sense as benzodiazepines and Valerian both increase gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) levels in the brain producing a calming and relaxing effect."                        National Museum of Civil War Medicine

Since ancient times in Greece and Rome when valerian was used for insomnia, it has been a popular, traditional, "calming" herbal medicine. Mixed into teas and tinctures, soups and salves, poultices and powders, despite its unwelcome aroma of old stinky socks, valerian was both a medicine and a food additive for centures. The Italian botanist Fabio Colonna extolled its virtues for epilepsy after he cured himself of that condition in 1592. American colonialists imported valerian from Europe.
Valerian's generally unwelcome odor and taste encouraged blends with other herbs which offered their own additional benefits. In the era of eclectic medicine, herbalists combined it with many other plants, derivative plant alkaloids, or minerals.  During the US Civil War, valerian was an approved military drug; it was given to soldiers in herbal form for fright and anxiety, and when combined with Cinchona, used for malaria / intermittent fevers. 

"Valerian affords greater relief
in nervous disorders than any other remedy."

In Germany, during the same time frame, Valerian was widely used as a stimulant for "vapors" to calm young ladies and often thought to create a worsening of the same symptoms it helped. Stapf, whose original proving (in which he and Hahnemann were among the provers), is included in  Additions to the Materia Medica Pura (available for free PDF download at the Internet Archives), observed that it caused harm in overuse (unintended provings):
"This favorite has sometimes done much mischief. This is proved by the increase in hypochondria, and especially in the hysteric and nervous sufferings of our ladies… principally upon the use of stimulants, and of the Valeriana especially."

During and after World War 1, valerian was used to treat shell shocked soldiers. Again in World War II, it was used to relieve the stress of air raids during the London Blitz.

Eventually, valeriana and many of its mixtures made their way into the homeopathic materia medica. The valerianate remedies were taught, used, included in materia medica text differentials, discussed in journal articles, and presented at case conferences. They were popular, well used, important remedies during wars and upheavals, disruptions and recoveries, happening on personal, national and international levels.
Then time moved on. Homeopathy continued with its own ups and downs… and ups. Homeopathic pharmacy offerings and availability followed trends in remedy use by practitioners and the public. Eventually, the Valerianates were largely sidelined, no longer considered mainstays of clinical practice. And now we need them.


American Psychological Association
Annual Stress Survey

Global Organization for Stress Statistics reports:
  • #1 health concern of high school students: Stress
  • People reporting stress about one or more aspect of life (Australia): 91%
  • Workers who report job related stress (China): 86%
  • People reporting moderate to high stress in past month (US):  75%
  • People who feel stress at work (US): 80%
  • About 450,000 workers in Britain believe their stress makes them ill

The American Institute of Stress reports:

  • People who report feeling extreme stress:  33%
  • People whose experience of stress affects their physical health: 77%
  • People whose stress level impacts their mental health: 73%
  • People who report stress related difficulty sleeping: 48%

          Valerianates Match Our Precarious Times
"Americans are struggling with multiple external stressors that are out of their personal control, with 27% reporting that most days they are so stressed they cannot function…"    APA 2022 Stress Survey
Since 2007, the American Psychological Society has partnered with the Harris Poll to conduct its annual Stress in America Survey. Their most recent (October 2022)  survey report showed that 57% percent of polled adults in the US ranked their stress level between 5 and 10 (on a scale of 1 (low)  to 10 (extreme)).The APA summarized the indicators of a mental health crisis:
"The October 2022 report shows a battered American psyche, facing a barrage of external stressors that are mostly out of personal control. The survey found a majority of adults are disheartened by government and political divisiveness, daunted by historic inflation levels, and dismayed by widespread violence…. A majority of adults cited inflation (83%), violence and crime (75%), the current political climate (66%), and the racial climate (62%) as significant sources of stress."
There's a remedy for that!


Introducing MatMed on the HUB
       1st & 3rd Tuesdays 7:30pmET / 4:30pmPT  (30min)
   Quick.  Clinically Relevant.  Interesting!
Join Karen Allen, CCH, and your friends and colleagues, for MatMed on the HUB: Nothing fancy, just the facts on a relevant homeopathic remedy… a case example… clear clinical indications, where to source it and where to learn more… No power points, detailed provings, or  deep digs on remedy relationships. Simple.
Minimum dose for curious homeopaths
June 6: Ammonium valerianicum
June 20: Atropinum valerianicum
July 4: No Class – July 4th Holiday
July 18: Chininum valerianicum
August 1: Ferrum valerianicum
August 15: Strychninum valerianicum
September 5: Valeriana officinalis
September 19: Zincum valerianicum
October 3: Valeriana adjuncts
 Open to all.

           Clinical Supervision
         for YOUR client Cases

             Thursday May 22, 6pm ET / 3 pmPT
Case work can be challenging… or confusing… or frustrating!  Don't go it alone. Bring that muddy case into a Supervision discussion to get a new perspective! We ALL have cases like that, and this is a safe and resourceful place to talk over ideas and concerns. Submit case details a few days in advance (use the link in the HUB calendare event) for a thorough response, or come to the session with your questions.  See you there! 

Coming Up on the HUB Calendar

Client Management Mondays
     with Karen Allen, CCH
  Great Training, Open to All
         7pm ET / 4pm PT (45 min)
May 22:
Why Clients QUIT and Why Clients STAY
Learn to keep clients invested in the healing process with you. It can take a lot to onboard a new client – keep them from falling out the backdoor with 4 clear strategies.
Jun 26:
Screening out RED FLAG Clients
Jul 24:
Up Your Practice Game with Simple Audit
Open to All – Register for
Summer Client Management Mondays


Your Work as a Homeopath
"Doing your job without taking shortcuts is an expression of commitment to yourself and others… as long as at the end of the day, you can say, on most days at least, ‘I did my work with love and with excellence.’”
“Let’s be honest: There are very few institutions and parts of our lives where people really care… Service to others is loving everybody with your ordinary, sanctified work.”


  Watch for Our Annual Survey
In our newsletter next month, we will be sharing a link for our annual HUB survey. We welcome your feedback on what is going well, what needs to change, and what you think about new ideas: want legal advice as part of your subscription? interested in study groups? Start-up to Stellar as a year round curriculum to join in for any quarter of the year? some suggestions to offer us with your special ideas? We want to hear from you!

Homeopathy is Global
and so is the HUB
Where are YOU when you log in to the HUB?
The HUB community includes homeopaths in Argentina – Australia – Bangladesh – Brazil – Bulgaria – Canada – Croatia – Denmark – England – Estonia – France – Germany – Hong Kong – India – Ireland – Israel – Japan – Lebanon – Malaysia – Mexico – Netherlands – New Zealand – Norway  –  Philippines – Poland – Portugal – Romania – Saudi Arabia – Singapore – Slovenia – Sweden – Switzerland – Turkey – Ukraine – United Arab Emirates – United States – Uruguay

Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬
Copyright 2023


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