News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

On the HUB in November


Open Access


  •  Boost Your Practice Day – Watch all 5 sessions & get documents
  • Menopause Materia Medica with Karen Allen
  • Acute Thursdays Emergent Conditions & more with Maryann Ivons
  • Brain Boosters for Babies and Children –  with Miranda Castro
  • Managing Time –  for Homeopaths with Karen Allen
  • Repertory Basics – review of Latin, Symptoms, Sections, Rubrics
  • Homeopathy Hangout Podcast – John Morgan from Helios

What did you give Donetta?
Last month we posted Donetta's brief acute case video. She was wired and irritable after drinking an "Energy Drink". 
Most popular poll response: Coffea

Did You Know You Can Use HUB Open Access Materials
For Your Study Group?
Share with your study group: high quality topics by world class homeopaths and teachers on the HUB Open Access page…

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It is free – just register on the HUB and find it in the top menu.
Each month brings new material for you and your study group!



As clocks change November 6th, we share this reflection on TIME from Susan Jeffers, author of Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway


Our Community Is Blessed With Brilliance, Inspiration, Idealistic Endeavor,
and Darn Hard Work!
Recognize your colleagues amazing work with a nomination for a National Center for Homeopathy Service Award – nominations are now open.


RSV Infection: The Role of Homeopathy
Host: Dr. Youngran Chung    
In this webinar, we will talk about the frequently used homeopathic medicines for RSV bronchiolitis during its acute phase.
Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants, and can also cause severe respiratory illness in older adults, or anyone with heart and lung disease or a weakened immune system. There has been an early and recent surge in RSV during this pandemic year. As there is no specific therapy for RSV bronchiolitis, homeopathy can be a valuable tool to complement any supportive therapy. In addition, we will discuss other homeopathic medicines that may be helpful in reducing recurrences and future complications such as progression towards asthma in at-risk patients.



Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬
Copyright 2022


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