News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

On the HUB in October

We're buffing up our look and style for you!
The HUB has a new home page …
There's new art work, then scroll down
to see upcoming events on the calendar and newsletters


October Open Access offers you:
  •  Acute case – Donetta and the Energy Drink Watch the case, and complete the poll to say what remedy you would give!
  • How to learn materia medica with Lynn Amara
  • Belladonna and "What We All Know" about materia medica with Roger Morrison
  • Case analysis with Karen Allen
  • Your Digital Footprint – what and why
  • Repertory – anatomical locations of head

Did You Know You Can Use HUB Open Access Materials
For Your Study Group?
Share with your study group: high quality topics by world class homeopaths and teachers on the HUB Open Access page…
  • An acute case video / poll
  • How to learn materia medica (Lynn Amara)
  • Belladonna – really  (Roger Morrison)
  • Repertory – finding locations on the head
  • Podcast – Tourette's / ADHD / PANDAS

Not online with HUB Open Access yet?
It is free – just register on the HUB and find it in the top menu.
Each month bring new material for you to review!

HUB Calendar QuickList – Upcoming Events
Get a quick glimpse of HUB events and Community Announcements
This week:
Next week:
  • Saturday Oct 8 Polarity Analysis [if enrolled] 11amET / 8amPT (4hr)
  • Monday Oct 10 Repertory Midday Monday 3:30pmET / 12:30pmPT (.5hr)
  • Monday Oct 10 Menopause (2 of 3) 7pmET / 4pmPT (2hr)
  • Thursday Oct 13 ACUTE: What are we talking about? 7pmET / 3pmPT (45 min)
  • Thursday Oct 13 Polarity Analysis [if enrolled] 8pmET / 5pmPT (2.5hr)





Are you a signer for
the People's Declaration for TCIH?
Curious, want to learn more? Join their Public Q&A Thursday Oct 27th
 Europe / Americas:  NoonET / 9amPT  (US)  /  6pm CEST (Europe)
Asia:  9am CEST (Europe)  /  4pm JST (Japan)  / 6pm AEDT (Australia)



More Menopause Mondays
               Live at 7pm ET / 4 pm PT
Oct 10: Menopause (Materia medica)
Oct 24: Postmenopause
Karen Allen re-presents this 6 hour course with updated cases and materia medica / sarcodes to support women in a healthy hormonal transition before, during and after menopause.
Just log in to your HUB subscriber account at class time and click through the live class session link on your home page!


HUB Clinical Focus for 2022-23 – Acute Therapeutics
2nd and 4th Thursdays   7pmET  /  4pmPT  (45 minutes)

Join Maryann Ivons, RN, ND
October 13 7pmET / 4pmPT (45 min)
We will define, slice and dice through definitions of acute, chronic, acute exacerbations, acute injury and more. Maryann will remind us of Hahnemann's advice in Aphorism #3, and talk about core concepts of acute case management: establish chief complaint, clarify what needs to be healed, consider appropriate remedies and select appropriate posology. This 45 minute class is open to all in our community!
Register me for ACUTE:What Are We Really Talking About?
October 13  7pmET / 4pmPT


Have YOU Tried the HUB's New Learning Tracks?
In the HUB's summer community survey, you let us know that it was tough to find what training classes you were looking for!  With over 400 hours of classes to stream, we understand how that could happen!
Based on expert advice from an archivist and data management specialist, we implemented a "wayfinding" strategy. Classes are grouped into topic based Learning Tracks. They link you directly to the classes you want. They cross reference each other to make easy walkways through the learning that is most interesting for you!
We are also switching from the use of ZIP files (that can be harder to download) to .pdf file workbooks, where all of the reference materials are included in one easy-to-download file per class or course.
We are almost finished making this HUB improvement for you; there are 2 learning tracks left to finalize, several more ZIP files to replace, a reference diagram, and plenty of double checking to make sure that all the links, files and videos are correct!
Let us know what you think!



Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬
Copyright 2022


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