News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

On the HUB in May

Did you know….
Alcoholis (also sometimes labeled as 'Ethylicum') may be indicated in early miscarriage, especially recurrent, for women with a history or current alcohol abuse.
Pimary Differentials for pregnancy loss in MONTH 1-2 include:
  • Ipecacuanha: loss at 6 wks, onset of loss with bright red blood flow, may be accompanied by nausea (history of retained placenta is confirmatory)
  • Kali carb: loss at 6-8 wks, cramping / bleeding with prominent lower back pain
  • Pulsatilla: loss at 5 wks, leader for 'chemical pregnancy' with spotting prior to onset of flow, and much emotional reactivity
  • Spongia: loss at 6-8 wks, especially recurrent, when the client has concomitant thyroid disruption, or history of respiratory weakness
Want to learn more?
Log in to use the quick link from your subscribers' home page to stream the Fragile Pregnancy: Early Pregnancy Loss and Chemical Pregnancy 1.5 hour class on the HUB!  (Not subscribed? You can purchase it ala carte!)   Karen covers likely etiologies, including male factor issues which account for up to 40% of pregnancy loss, and materia medica differentials with strategies for working with these prospective parents.



Wednesday May 25th 7pmET / 4pmPT
Fragile pregnancy – Bleeding / Placental Issues
Join Karen Allen CCH for these courses!
HUB Subscribers – you are already enrolled.
Click through @ your Professional Subscribers' Page at class time.



May 15th-31st HUB Calendar
These live events complement hundreds of hours of
Stream-on-demand sessions on the HUB


CHC Happy Hour with Karen:
How to build your practice while keeping current on your CEUs

Thanks to all of you who joined Karen in the live session hosted by the CHC on Thursday May 12th. Karen shared 7 keys to making your practice a success:
  • Authentic: Start with WHY
  • Memorable: Grab a Niche
  • Competent: Effective Clinical Skills (and CEUs)
  • Clear: Definition and Communication
  • Caring: Compassionate Care / Client Support
  • Partnering: Getting Diagnostic Congruence
  • Visionary: Paving a path from illness to wellness
Didn't catch the live session? It will be posted on the CHC's website by Friday May 20th. You will be able to review the 1hr recording and download Karen's presentation document there.

Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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