News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

An Opportunity to Publish Your
Personal Homeopathic Successes!
Every homeopath has their favorite story of an acute, dramatically resolved in almost not time at all.Or their "tale-from-the-road", when they or a loved one contracted the local "bug" and the family vacation was saved 
with just the right remedy. 
Mike Swain, CCH, managing editor of Homeopathic Writers Group, invite
HUB subscribers to submit their personal homeopathic experiences for publication. Writers will be compensated (estimated payment of $200 per 800-1000 word article). Articles will be placed in holistic / integrative / chiropractic publications. 
The target audience is people who are not familiar with homeopathy.
Articles should appeal to the public, and be written without homeopathic jargon.
Ideal topics includ your personal experiences or client successes (with permission)
using homeopathy for acute issues eg: using a flu remedy, etc.
Chronic caes are fine too, they just need to be written for the general public. 
Practitioners wanting to submit their articles should contact Mike directly
to dicuss their ideas and the format.
Mike Swain can be reached at: 214-866-532


November Open Access
Open Access Classes are available for free
to everyone in our community!

Genius Familias  with Lynn Amara, CCH
Night Terrors / Strep with Kare Allen, CCH
Parents and Children with Cambria Lowe MFT
Elders and CAM with Karen Allen, CCH
 Register and find 'Open Access' in the menu bar! 
Register for Free. Log in and Learn

Repertory Foundational Review
Karen Allen, CCH
Monday,   November 1st   3:30pm (ET) / 12:30pm (PT)   30 mim

November focus is the FEVER section of the repertory!
Build your repertory skills case by case. Karen presents a case and we search for the most accurate and descriptive rubrics. We translate the words and phrases that capture the symptoms and sensations of the client into the language of the repertory.

Open to All

Alchemy and Addiction:
The Pursuit of Ecstasy; Transmutation & Wholeness (Part 2)
Lise Battaglia, CCH
Wednesday,   November 3rd   2:30pm (ET) / 11:30am  (PT)   1 hr

In this ongoing series, Lise shares her expertise in working with addictions. Recognizing that many homeopaths are new to this subject area, she will focus this series on common issues that present in the homeopathic consulting room. Lise continues to demonstrate how the work unfolds, preparing us as homeopaths to service
this population skillfully. 

Transformational Strategies for an Outrageously Successful Practice
Karen Allen, CCH
Wednesday,   November 3rd   8pm (ET) / 5pm (PT)   1.5 hrs

Newly expanded and updated StartUp-to-Stellar is back by popular demand!
This course will take you from student-and-remedy-finder to confident-and-effective-practitioner. It can be a bumpy ride, but you don’t have to do it alone. 
Leverage 27 years of Karen Allen’s professional experience to give you the skills
you need to create a homeopathic practice that you'll love!
This 21 hour course given over 7 months, guides you step-by-step using
practical tools and inspiration that you can easily implement in your practice.

Reminder for Leap Team:
Case Studies with Natasha
This study session is always given in English
 Thursday 11am (ET) / 8am (PT) 2.5 hrs

Roger and Nancy's Book Club
Malarial Miasm
Thursday,   November 4th   3pm (ET) / 12pm (PT)   1 hr

Continuing our deep dive into miasms based on their book Miasms of the New Millenium, Roger and Nancy unpack the pattern of Malarial Miasm for the HUB.
Be sure to read Chapter 3 of the book before this session so you will be ready to move beyond it with their presentation!

 Reminder for Enrolled Students:
Magnified Leap to the Simillimum
Divya Chhabra, MD (Hom)
Friday,  Nov. 5th  10:30am (ET) / 7:30am (PT)  2.5 hrs

Is proud to present
Saturday, Nov. 6th 11:00am (ET) 8:00am (PT)
Corrie Hiwat has been practicing classical homeopathy for 35 years. She has taught for many years at the School for Homeopathy and abroad, focusing on
case-taking, case-analysis and the methodology
of homeopathy.  

"Corrie has a fine capacity for helping people. She looks for that which can make us human again, when we feel divided, torn or broken." – Harry van der Zee.

Reminder for PA Team:
PA Autumn 2021 Session 12
Tim Shannon, ND and Karen Allen, CCH
Saturday,  Nov. 6th  11am (ET) / 8am (PT)  3 hrs
Join a 1/2 hour early for an informal discussion
with Karen and the Team

Share your knowledge and clinical successes with the international homeopathic community!


 The World's most popular homeopathic journal,
HPATHY invites you to
 Publish Your Cases & Articles @ Homeopathy for Everyone
Share  your cases, articles and research papers for 2022!
Your thoughtful cases and articles reach people all over the world and help others learn from your successes. Keep the voice of homeopathy strong; when we each share our work, we build and strengthen the homeopathic community.
NOW is the time to send items for publishing. For questions or the easy guidelines,
or to submit content, email Editor Alan Schmukler today


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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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