News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

The Quintessence Forum has asked us to invite you all to join a Global Wave of Change:
Be part of the Glasgow Wakeup Call!
Glasgow, UK, on October  31st – Nov. 12th
 The Glasgow Wakeup Call is an initiative to foster a global atmosphere of loving care for Mother Earth in the time leading up to the conference. Millions of people around the world are going to join their thoughts in one giant, synchronized wave of consciousness to help our planet. This will set the stage for profound change and maximize the benefit of the Glasgow conference’s outcome.
 Here is what you need to do:
Around the globe, we will all be uniting twice on
October 31st at exactly 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Greenwich time.
Find your local time with these links (be sure to scroll down beneath the graphic)
Choose the time that fits your schedule best; at either / both of these time you can
join the wave by Opening up to Loving Care
 It is important that we all get in on this wave at the same time.
Together we can change the world!


 The CHC presents a webinar with
 Miranda Castro, CCH
Thursday,  November 11th  6:00pm (ET) / 3:00pm (PT) 
To register in advance for this webinar:
Click Here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with your access link


Coming to the HUB in 2022

Building an Online Presence
Tracy Karkut-Law


4 Thursday sessions you will not want to miss!
January 13th & 20th; February 3rd & 10th at Noon (ET) / 9 am (PT)

 Websites… Google/SEO… Emails… Social media…
Want to quickly and effectively create an online presence for your business?
Find out how to minimize bother and maximize benefit?
Learn from a pro in this 8 hour course!
"Your Radiant Business is my passion-project where I share what I've learned in13 years of making
a living doing what I love."   – Tracy


Repertory Foundational Review
Karen Allen, CCH
Monday, October 25th  3:30pm (ET) / 12:30pm (PT)  30 min

We enhance our skills with the repertory one case at a time. Karen presents a case and we search for the most accurate and descriptive rubrics, translating the language of the client into the language and structure of the repertory. This week we continue our focus on the External Throat section of the repertory.

Open to All

Acute and Chronic Back Pain and Sciatica
Maryann Ivons, ND
Monday,   October 25th   6pm (ET) / 3pm (PT)   3 hrs


This 3 hour session covers the Homeopathic treatment of Acute back pain and Sciatica. The first hour discusses the causes of acute back pain and the remedies that reflect the common presentations of it. The second hour we will discuss the causes and presentations of sciatica and the remedies that reflect the common presentations of this condition. She will then present and discuss remedies that reflect the common features of these conditions. In the third hour we'll look at cases!
Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate each case to find it's
"center of gravity' and isolate the essentials that will lead to
the selection of the right remedy.

Homeopaths Happy Hour
Last Tuesday of the Month
Tuesday,  October  26th   7:30pm (ET) / 4:30pm (PT)   1hr
 Grab a beverage and join your colleagues for a very informal 
meet and greet and conversation. No power points. No agenda.
Just some time to come together and share.
Karen or Margery host.


Reminder for Leap Team:
Practice Makes Perfect with Leigh
These sessions are always given in English
Every  Thursday,  11am (ET) / 8am (PT)  2.5 hrs.

Reminder for PA Team:
 PA Autumn 2021 Session 11 
with Tim Shannon, ND and Karen Allen, CCH
Thursday, Oct. 28th   8pm (ET) / 5pm (PT)   3 hrs
PA Rubrics Defining Team meets one hour earlier – same Zoom link.

 Newly Updated and Expanded
Start Up-to-Stellars 2021- 2022
Transformational Stragies for an Outrageously Successful Practice
There's still time… Sign up by Nov. 2nd

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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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