News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

Polarity Analysis Course
Autumn 2021  (Sept 11th – Dec 2nd)
Enrollment is now Open!
14 hours theory (class presentation and text review)
28 hours of live clinic (refer your clients for consults) 
4.5 hours case supervision (get help with your cases)

Past participants say they benefit greatly by repeating the PA course.
This helps them to grasp it, begin using it regularly and get case supervision.
Enrollment includes all three PA course series within a year.

ACHENA approved for 14 hours of Continuing Education
The theoretical portion (14 hours) of the full 46.5 hour course has been approved by ACHENA for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). We are also pursuing additional professional CEU accreditation with other organizations. If you would like to receive ACHENA CEUs, enroll at the higher tuition that cost shares the expense of obtaining, administering and maintaining accreditation.  Enrollment options include:
  • Enrollment without ACHENA CEUs included with your annual HUB subscription ($295). The cost is about $6/training hour. Repeat series at no charge within a year.  RSVP on the HUB Calendar.
  • Enroll with your annual HUB subscription ($295) and upgrade for ACHENA CEUs (additional $680). Contact the office to upgrade..
Teaching/Clinic sessions are recorded  –  Stream on your own schedule
Q&A outside of sessions is supported by the PA discussion forum



Save the Date for: 
Acute Urinary Tract Conditions
Maryanne Ivons, ND
Monday,  Sept 20th  6pm (ET) /  3pm (PT)  3 hrs

This 3 hour class covers the Homeopathic Treatment
of Acute Urinary Tract Conditions and
Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Urinary Conditions.
Maryanne will teach us how to differentiate between acute, chronic, and acute exacerbations of chronic urinary conditions. She will discuss remedies that reflect the common features of these conditions. In the final hour, we'll look at cases!
Participants will have the opportunity to evaluate each case, to find it's "center of gravity' and isolate the essentials that will lead to the selection of the right remedy.

September Open Access
Open Access Classes are available for free
to everyone in our community!

 Acute Cough (Maryann Ivons ND)
 Endometriosis Reasearch  (Karen Allen CCH)
  Art of the Acute  (Marcus Christo FSHom)
What is a CPT Code and Why Does It Matter?
Register and find 'Open Access' in the menu bar! 

Register for Free. Log in and Learn

On Break: Repertory Foundational Review

 There will be no class on Monday Aug 30th or September 6th.
We resume on September 13th – See you then!


Is it worth your time and energy to learn Polarity Analysis?
See what your colleagues say about how PA helps save time and improve outcomes. Join us in an informal discussion about the what, why and how of Polarity Analysis.
Tuesday,   August 31st   7pm (ET) / 4pm (PT)   30 min

Happy Hour on the HUB
Last Tuesday of the Month
Tuesday,   August 31st   7:30pm (ET) / 4:30pm (PT)   1 h 


Grab a beverage and join your colleagues for a very informal
meet and greet and conversation. No power points. No agenda.
Just some time to come together and share.
Karen or Margery host.

Open to All

On Break: Alchemy and Addiction
We are skipping this month's session to accommodate
Lise Battaglia's schedule. See you next month!

 Reminder for Stellars: Final Session!
 Stay Stellar!
Developing an Online Presence 
Wednesday,  September 1st  7pm (ET) / 4pm (PT)  1.5 hrs
Watch for link in Stellars Email

Reminder for Leap Team:
Practice Makes Perfect
Leigh Panovka, BSc., Hom
 Thursday 11am (ET) / 8am (PT) 2.5 hrs

Roger and Nancy's Book Club
 Miasms of the New Millenium
Thursday,   September 2nd   3pm (ET) / 12pm (PT)   1 hr

Reminder for Enrolled Students:
Magnified Leap to the Simillimum
with Divya Chhabra, MD (Hom)
Friday,  September 3rd  10:30am (ET) / 7:30am (PT)   2.5 hrs

 In this session, Divya continues to present her Leap to the Simillimum method of case taking and case analysis. This class focuses on the confluence of the state and the simillimum as seen through the Pavlovian childhood circuit.
Registrants of the 10-month curriculum will receive a Zoom link for this class.
Check your inbox for an email from Margery.
Registration for this course is closed to new applicants.

 4th Quintessence Forum Symposium
Video Recordings Now Available
The Role and Purpose of Epidemic Diseases
Harry van der Zee
Towards an Updated Model for Homeopathy
Andreas Bjørndal
Use Password: PbVRd3Gv  to access  Video Recording    

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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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