News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

 Heard the buzz about Polarity Analysis?
Would you like to try it in your practice? 
Not sure if it's worth your valuable time and energy to learn it?

Bring your curiosity and questions to an informal discussion
on Last Tuesdays of the month, May – October
We will discuss the what, why and how of Polarity Analysis.
Determine how PA can improve your client outcomes while saving you time

and helping you build a successful practice!
Karen Allen, CCH and Tim Shannon, ND, DHANP
Tues. May 25th, 7pm (ET) / 4pm (PT) 30 min 

Here's what your colleagues are saying about PA

“The course is well organized, and Tim’s clinical experience is powerful… My practice is growing because my PA clients are seeing good results!”

“I wanted to let you know that I have been using the method ever since I joined the course and I have had really good results! I am sold! Taking cases is so much more expedited. It saves a lot of wear and tear on me!”

“The quality of training in the class is excellent. I appreciate the extra effort to answer questions and make sure that points are clarified. The clinical case work has been the most helpful component. 


Registration is now open for  
Polarity Analysis 3 month course: June 5th – Aug 26th
Class (14hrs) Clinic (28 hrs) Case Supervision (5 hrs)
Reserve your spot! Class size is limited! 

HUB subscribers with an annual membership can enroll on the HUB Calendar!
For more information or to individually purchase the PA course

Repertory Foundational Review
with Karen Allen, CCH
Monday,  May 24th,  3:30pm (ET) / 12:30pm (PT)  30 min.

We enhance our skills with the repertory one case at a time. Karen presents a case and we search for the most accurate and descriptive rubrics. Practice translating client's stated symptoms into the language of the repertory. This is our final case with a focus on the Skin section.  (Note: Repertory is on holiday next week May 31st!)

Open to All

Happy Hour on the HUB
Last Tuesday of every Month
Tuesday,  May 25th  7:30pm (ET) / 4:30pm (PT)  1 hr

Grab a beverage and join your colleagues for a very informal meet, greet and
conversation. No power points. No agenda. Just some time to come together and share.
Karen and Margery host.

Open to All

Practice Makes Perfect
with Leigh Panovka, BSc., Hom
Thursday,  May 27th  11am (ET) / 8am (PT)  2hr.

Leigh Panovka is well versed in Divya's Leap to the Simillimum style of case taking. In addition to using this method in her practice, Leigh is enthusiatic about teaching it to other homeopaths. In this weekly study group, she shares a case, demonstrates how to direct client dialogues to five sense discriptives and answers your questions.

Please note that Leigh's "Practice Makes Perfect" sessions are practicums for homeopaths that have studied with Dr. Divya or are familiar with her method.

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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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