Polarity Analysis Quick Q&A


Heard about Polarity Analysis?
Not sure what it's about?
Tried it with a few hits & misses, then dropped it?
Is it worth my valuable time and energy to learn it?
Bring your curiosity and questions to an informal discussion
on Last Tuesdays May through October
where we will talk about the what, why and how of Polarity Analysis.
Learn how it can improve your client outcomes, save you time,
and help you build a successful practice!
Karen Allen, CCH   Tim Shannon ND DHANP
Tues. May 25th, 7pm (ET) / 4pm (PT)  30 min

 Registration for Polarity Analysis Series 4 is now open!
HUB subscribers with an annual membership can sign up on the HUB Calendar!
For more information or to individually purchase the PA course

Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬ hello@trinityhealthhub.com


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