News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

 Were you at the JAHC conference last month? Be sure to stream Heiner Frei's presentation about Polarity Analysis and his research showing an 84% outcome success rate!
Looking for more than an introduction?
Tim Shannon and Karen Allen coordinated with Dr. Frei to create a 3 month course and clinic program. Next series begins June 5th!
46.5 hr series  –  28 hr live clinic  –  3 Case Supervision Sessions
Enroll through your HUB subscription or purchase separately.


Repertory Foundational Review 
with Karen Allen, CCH

Mon. May 10,  3:30pm (ET) / 12:30pm (PT)  30 min.
We enhance our skills with the repertory one case at a time.  Karen presents a case and we search for the most accurate and descriptive rubrics that capture the symptoms and sensations of the client. This week we continue our focus on the Skin section with another case!
Open to All 

Practitioner Supervision
with Miranda Castro, CCH FS(Hom)
Tues. May 11,  4pm (ET) / 1pm (PT)  2 hr.

Miranda believes that practitioner development and practice management are the cornerstones of a successful holistic practice. In this series she assists homeopaths in evaluating their processes in addition to examining their strengths and weaknesses in the consulting room. These observations help practioners build integrity and self-confidence. There will be assignments for this class that include reading, journaling and essay writing.
Subscribers Register on the HUB

Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness
Rupert Sheldrake & Morphogenetic Fields
with Doug Brown CCH, FNP

Wed. May 12,  1pm (ET) / 10am  (PT)  1 hr.

In this session, Doug introduces us to the work of Rupert Sheldrake and his theory of morphic resonance. Similar forms (morphs, or "fields of information") reverberate and exchange information within a universal life force. This points to accounts of phantom limbs, how dogs know when their owners are coming home, and how people know when someone is staring at them. You won't want to miss this fascinating class!
Subscribers Register on the HUB

Power Outage moves Stellars to this week!
Stay Stellar!

Using CPT and ABC Codes:
What, How and Why Bother?

Wed. May 12, 7pm (ET) / 4pm (PT) 1.5 hrs
Watch for the link in Stellars Email


Reminder for Leap Team 
"Practice Makes Perfect"
with Leigh Panovka, BSc., Hom.
Thurs.  May 13,  11am (ET) / 8am (PT)   2.5 hrs 

Leigh Panovka helps us understand Dr. Divya's Leap to the Simillimum style of case taking as she walks us through another example case! Get your link for Leigh's class here.

Please note that Leigh's "Practice Makes Perfect" sessions are practicums for homeopaths that have studied with Dr. Divya or are familiar with her method.

Reminder for PA Team
Polarity Analysis Clinic
Sat.  May 15,  11am (ET) / 8am (PT)   3 hrs
This session of Polarity Analysis training will consist of 4 full hours of clinc in which we will see clients, take cases and discuss rubrics and remedy choices. Tim Shannon leads clinic. Karen hosts and moderates.

On the HUB
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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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