News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

Thanks for stopping by to "see" us!

It was great visiting with you the JAHC! 
Thanks for stopping by to chat with us about the
Migraine National Telehealth Clinic
and to learn about all our other HUB classes
 and live trainings. 
Not a member yet?  Subscribe to the HUB!
Together we can tranform healthcare in North America!

 Kathleen Scheible, CCH and Karen Allen, CCH
presented a JAHC breakout session
inviting the homeopathic community to envision a
National Homeopathy Emergency
Preparedness Network
where homeopaths can be part of
emergency response teams in disaster settings
Watch for more information about this project over the summer!

with Karen Allen, CCH

Mon. Apr. 26,  3:30pm (ET) / 12:30pm (PT)  30 min.

We enhance our skills with the repertory one case at a time. Karen presents a case and we search for the most accurate and descriptive rubrics that capture the symptoms and sensations of the client. This month we use cases that focus on the Larynx and Trachea sections. We will finish the case of the 41-year old male with agorophobia, burning in the larynx, and loss of voice after a traumatic event.
Open to All

Hack, Splutter:

Patterns, Remedies and "Case Lab"

with Maryann Ivons ND, RN
Monday,  April 26th  6pm (ET) / 3pm (PT)  3 hrs.
Cough, cough, cough! There is a lot of it going around, and fortunately coughs respond well to homeopathy. Join Maryann Ivons ND, RN to review different types of coughs, and patterns that suggest a remedy. Learn to recognize acute vs. chronic conditions. Make a differential for leading remedies and case management. Best of all, the final hour is a "Case Lab", where Maryann will share case after case scenarios for the participants to work through, sharpening their skills.
Open to All. Register here for link

Happy Hour on the Hub
Last Tuesday of the Month

Tues. Apr. 27th,  7:30pm (ET) / 4:30pm (PT)  1 hr

Grab a beverage and join your colleagues for a very informal hello and conversation. No power points. No agenda. Just some time to come together and share.  Karen and Margery host.
Open to All

Practice makes Perfect
with Leigh Panovka BSc., Hom

Thurs. Apr. 29, 11am (ET) / 8am (PT)  2hr.
Leigh Panovka is well versed in Divya's Leap to the Simillimum  style of case taking. In addition to using this method in her practice, Leigh is enthusiatic about teaching it to other homeopaths. In this weekly study group, she shares a case and answers your questions.

Open to All – RSVP at Divya Chhabra's Website

Polarity Analysis
Tutorial, Class and Clinic
Thurs. Apr 29th,   8pm (ET) / 5pm (PT)   3 hrs.
Sat.  May 1st,   11am (ET) / 8am (PT)   4 hrs.
Our next sessions for class and clinic are happening this Thursday and Saturday with Karen and Tim.
These sessions are open to current PA registrants only. 
Not signed up for Polarity Analysis training yet?
Next series begins June  5th – Enroll now before it fills up!
Included in your Hub Subscription, or purchase separately

Thanks to those of you who joined us for
HUB Homeopathy Haiku Happy Hour
International Haiku Poetry Day, April 17th.
And thanks to all of you who submitted clever Haiku poems
that captured what we see, sense and experience in homeopathy!

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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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