News and Updates from the HUB

Trinity Health Hub

Events on the HUB this Week

Homeopathy Haiku: Have you written one yet? It's easy! 1st line: 5 syllables  –  2nd line: 7 syllables  –  3rd line: 5 syllables


       Submitted by SS

        Submitted by AF

         Submitted by KB

    Doug Brown on Homeopathy,  
     Physics and Consciousness
                Begins April 14

    2nd Wednesdays at 1pm (ET) / 10am (PT)
Those of you who participated in or viewed last February's ‘Noticing the Inexplicable’ forum met Doug Brown CCH as the moderator for that group.  In these sessions, Doug opens doors for all of us into the science and spirit of homeopathy. He draws on emerging physics and research into consciousness as ways to explore homeopathic healing.
Subscribers  RSVP  on the HUB

Repertory Foundational Review 
with Karen Allen, CCH

Mon. Apr. 5,  3:30pm (ET) / 12:30pm (PT)   30 min.
We enhance our skills with the repertory one case at a time.  Karen presents a case and we search for the most accutate and descriptive rubrics that captures the symptoms and sensations of the client. This month we use cases to focus on the Larynx and Trachea section!
Open to All 

Alchemy and Addiction
with Lise Battaglia, CCH
Wed. Apr. 7, 2:30pm (ET) / 11:30am (PT) 1 hr.

In this ongoing series, Lise shares her expertise in working with addictions. Recognizing that many homeopaths are new to this subject area, she will focus this series of sessions on "playing an open hand"; sharing the case taking and all the details of working with one client / one case to show how the work happens, and preparing us to work with this population.
Subscribers Register on the HUB

      Reminder for Stellars
           Stay Stellar 4 month series begins
       Wednesday April 7th 7pm (ET) / 4pm (PT)            
        Insurance for Business,
        Malpractice, Asset Risks

    Watch for link in Stellars Email

      Reminder for Leap Team
              Study Case Discussion with Leigh
       Thursday April 8th 11am (ET) / 8am (PT)
Leigh Panovka helps us understand case taking as she steps us through another example case!

      Reminder for Polars
           Polarity Analysis Class / Clinic
       Saturday April 10th 11am (ET) / 8am (PT)

Women in Homeopathy Presents Deborah Collins
Sat. Apr. 10, 11am (EST) / 8am (PST) 2 hr.

Dr. Deborah Collins, born in Canada, completed her medical studies in Holland before studying homeopathy there. She practiced and taught widely throughout Europe and beyond before moving to New Zealand. Her practice includes insights gained from many sources outside homeopathy: Inner Child therapy, Past Life Regression therapy, and more. She incorporates many of the modern homeopathic methods. She is co-editor of Spectrum of Homeopathy, past editor of Interhomeopathy and author of "A Guide to the Plant Theory of Jan Scholten". She currently lives in France, where she continues to practice, teach and write.
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