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Trinity Health Hub

Events and Classes this Week on the HUB

Mark your Calendars 
for this 3 Part Series on:

Homeopathic Pediatrics
with Miranda Castro, CCH, RSHom
TUESDAYS: Feb. 9th, Mar. 9th, and Apr. 13th
4pm (EST) / 1pm (PST)  90 min.


Treating acutes in children can be the cornerstone of a successful homeopathic practice. Join Miranda as she shares her wisdom and clinical experience gleaned from nearly 40 years of practice specializing in pediatrics and treating thousands of acute cases.
This course is an eclectic mix of instruction that includes practical advice you can put to immediate use. Plus, interpretative templates and patient handouts you can individualize for your own practice. These sessions will provide a combination of common sense and wisdom to weave into your healing work, illustrated by inspirational cases to light the way. Miranda will cover a wide variety of complaints from colic and teething to common childhood illnesses, including coughs and colds. Her specialty is constitutional homeopathy, with cell salts support, and miasmatic theory plus remedies as needed for severe or intractable acutes.

We recommend Miranda's book as a
reference text for this class
Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth,
and Your Baby's First Yea

To purchase the book directly from Miranda's Shop
click on the image to the left


 It's our second anniversary and
we're celebrating!
February, 12th – 15th
Join us for a four day
HUB Open House!
free access for everyone to all our classes & forums.
 plus two live HUB events each day!
1pm (EST)/10am (PST) and 6pm (EST)/3pm (PST)
Can't make those times? No worries, catch some recordings later on the HUB! 

Friday, February 12th    6pm (EST)/3pm (PST)
 featured keynote presentation
Viewing Through Hahnemann's Eyes
by Richared Pitcairn, DVM


Richard Pitcairn, DVM is a widely respected 'wise elder' of our homeopathic community. In his early work he established a veterinary clinic using homeopathy (1985), and co-founded the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy (1995). He has taught generations of practitioners who have completed the veterinary professional course. His publications include Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs and Cats and a homeopathic repertory for animals.
In this two hour keynote presentation, Viewing Through Hahnemann's Eyes, Richard revisits the concepts he presented at last June's JAHC conference. Homeopathy is a most amazing system of therapy! An unexpected aspect of it is realizing that Dr. Hahnemann presents us with an entirely different way of seeing. In many ways it is the opposite of the conventional allopathic system which has been the dominant treatment paradigm for centuries. To work with homeopathy, to see the amazing outcomes in patients, eventually brings us to seriously consider that Hahnemann really did see the patient and the disease correctly. Richard invites us to explore this possibility and the implications of embracing Hahnemann's view.
(ACHENA CEUs require attendance for the full 2 hr session and successful completion of the post-presentation knowledge survey and assessment to receive your CEU certificate.)

Saturday, February 13th    1pm(EST)/10am(PST)
featured presentation 
Terry and Tina are
Trying to Conceive
working with an infertile couple 

by Karen Allen, CCH


Karen Allen, CCH brings two decades of experience with reproductive health to this presentation. Join her for this two hour presentation about working with an infertile couple.
Where do we start with a fertility issue? How do we work with a couple? Unlike most other homeopathic complaints, fertility involves three components: female, male, and the interplay between their states. Join this session and see what homeopathy can do!

Repertory Review and Tutorial
with Karen Allen, CCH
Mon. Feb. 8,  3:30pm (EST) / 12:30pm (PST)  30 min.

We enhance our skills with the repertory one case at a time. Our focus for this month is Male Genitalia. In this session another case will give us the opportunity to look at rubrics specific to genital pain following a vasectomy.
Open to All

A&P Clinical Strengths
Integumentary System

with Maryann Ivons

Tues. Feb. 9,   12:00pm (EST) / 9:00am (PST)   2 hrs.

The body is enveloped in a wonderous organ we call the skin and Maryann Ivons, ND, brings an inviting wonder about the skin as the body's protector and eliminator that safe guards its overall health. In this class she will emphasize clinical application of the information provided, tailored to the interests of homeopaths.
Open to All

Alchemy and Addictions:
Wizard of Opiates – Poppies
Papaveraceae – part II
with Lise Battaglia, CCH
 Wed. Feb. 10,   2:30pm (EST) / 11:30am (PST)   1 hr.
Tech issues last week prompted a dealy of this class. You have another chance to add it to your calendar!! Lise continues this popular series with more information about Opium's history that will open your eyes to addiction and this group of remedies!
Subscribers RSVP on the HUB

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Trinity Health Hub
1930 S. Alma School Rd Ste B104, Mesa AZ 85210
(866) 585-3170‬


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