Trinity Health Hub

This Week on the HUB 

Karen’s message:
20% of the American Public is
Using Homeopathy by 2040

We have a  long-term plan based on a carefully engineered strategy to promote widespread use of homeopathy by the general public and building busy practices for 1000+ credentialed homeopaths.

How do we connect people who are ill, people who don’t yet know about homeopathy and what it can do for them, with credentialed homeopaths?  And within this group of all people who are ill, how do we successfully recruit those most likely to have good outcomes with homeopathic treatment? 
We can target specific complaints that have limited success with conventional care, and have proven success with homeopathy. See these successful outcomes shown in available homeopathic research.
We can target specific complaints that move people to seek out complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. See NIH research on CAM users.
We can target specific complaints that
  • can be most easily identified and engaged through social media 
  • involve a degree of discomfort or limitation that motivates a person to actively seek alternative options 
  • are treated with pharmaceuticals that have marked detriments / side effects
  • are most likely to have a currently documented medical diagnosis
These criteria lead us to prioritize the following chronic health complaints as we begin the HUB National Telehealth Clinic:  migraines, anxiety, insomnia, back pain, and menstrual pain

We Begin with Migraines
Based on research for the various options, migraines will be the first 
targeted complaint for the
HUB National Telehealth Clinic
when it opens in 2020 

Migraines are estimated to affect 4-9% of men and 11-25% of women across Western populations. The Global Burden of Disease study (2013) includes migraines within the top 10 causes of living with disability. 
Adults with migraines and severe headaches more likely to use CAM therapies: According to this article from the journal Headache, 49.5% of migraine and severe headache sufferers use some form of CAM, compared with 33.9% of the general public.

Homeopathy Around the World
Initiative to Promote Research in Homeopathy 

The Initiative to Promote Research in Homeopathy (IPRH) was founded in March 2011 by Dr Saurav Arora, Gold Medalist, MD (Homeopathy) New Dehli, India. Dr. Arora is an internationally acclaimed homeopathic physician, consultant, and independent researcher. IPRH’s mission is the passionate pursuit and dissemination of homeopathic research in a methodical way. IPRH was established and predictated on the idea that we may overcome most obstacles by sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources. It was started with the aim of promoting research amongst every segment of the community, enhancing research awareness, disseminating scientific research, exchanging information and extending help in undertaking research in homeopathy. The Hub supports this vision! Please become familiar with Dr. Arora’s work.

StartUp-to-Stellar begins tomorrow,
September 9th at 7pm ET / 4 pm PT
Sign up today! 

The StartUp-to-Stellar 6 month course takes you from “How the heck do I do this?” to a flourishing practice!
Join current students and returning SuperStellars
for this popular course. 
StartUp-to-Stellar will transform how you think about yourself as a practitioner and how you  interact with your clients. This 6 month course will upgrade your practice management as you crystalize your goals for what it will take for you to be successful homoeopath going into the future. 
All this for only the cost of a single remedy vial/week!
(about  $7.50 per week)
At this price it’s the best practice 
building “medicine” around!
YES, I want to register for StartUp-to-Stellar



with Maryann Ivons, ND
Tuesday Sept. 8
12pm ET / 9am PT
Open to All

We all took A&P in Homeopathic School, and the material was mostly forgotten before our first day of clinic. This review with Maryann Ivons ND,will emphasize what homeopaths need to know. This month’s focus: Endocrine System


Every Tuesday
Connect. Chat. Listen.​

Karen or Margery host a 30 minute weekly check-in with homeopaths in your region.
Eastern: 7:30 pm ET
Central: 6:30 pm CT
Mountain: 6pm MT
(and Arizona)
Pacific: 5:30 pm PT
Join  @ Your
Time Zone

with Karen Allen, CCH
Wednesday Sept. 9

We kick off
StartUp-to-Stellar’s 7th year this week! We will lay the foundation for the coming 6 months.
All Super-Stellars (participants in past class series) are always welcome back for free – Just call the HUB office at (866) 585-3170 to be enrolled!
RSVP on the Hub


with Lynn Amara, CCH
Thursday Sept. 10
6pm ET / 3pm PT
HUB Subscribers Only

Our skin changes with age and sun exposure and skin cancer can go unnoticed as freckles or moles. Join Lynn Amara CCH,  for this one hour class as she brings her decades of skin experience to cases. Learn the connection between what appears on the the surface of the skin with rubrics, therapeutics, and selfcare.
RSVP on the HUB 

with Karen Allen, CCH
Monday Sept. 14 
3:30pm ET / 12:30pm PT
Open to All

Join Karen Allen CCH, to learn about the wonderful resource contained within the Repertory! Whether you are refreshing old skills or building new ones, this short session helps you connect symptoms to rubrics. 
This class meets weekly for 30 minutes. 

Studies Assess Efficacy of Homeopathy in Treatment of Common Childhood Illnesses 
Researcher and Homeopath
Dr.Jennifer Jacobs, MD, MPH

 Jennifer Jacobs, MD, MPH is a retired family practice physician who specialized in homeopathy. . She is the co-author of “Healing with Homeopathy” and has published numerous research studies in peer-reviewed medical journals, such as Pediatrics, the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, and the European Journal of Integrative Medicine. She is currently a clinical assistant professor in epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine. She ran studies showing the efficacy of homeopathy in treating, diarrhea, ear infections and upper respertory infection in children. Although homeopathy showed  a measureable  advantage over conventional treatment, medical journals were reluctant to publish the results.
Dr. Jacobs Talks about Publishing her Research   

Trinity Health Hub
870 Market Street Suite 756 SanFrancisco, CA 94102
(866) 585-3170‬

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