Trinity Health Hub

This Week on the HUB

Karen’s message:
Organon Aphorism #1: 
Samuel Hahnemann says our job is to heal the sick. 
It all comes down to clinical work. All study, any theory, all  remedy selection, any pharmacy preparation can only show their value in clinical work. It all leads to that one transformative instant when pellets under the tongue engage the vital force and healing happens.
Outcomes matter. They matter to the client, to our own experience as a practitioner, and to the perceptions about this healing art we practice. Sam says… we listen.


Homeopathy Around the World
4Homeopathy promotes grassroots awareness and professional advocacy, collaborating with campaigns such as HomeopathyWorkedForMe. Originating in the UK in 2013, there are now 4Homeopathy groups in several countries. The Canada group has invited Karen Allen for their webinar series – tune in on August 31!


CLINICAL FOCUS: Individualized Clinical Reports

Our society values clinical studies that emphasize commonality over individualization. Data collected from a large population sample is considered verifiable, repeatable and dependable. 
As homeopaths, we are all about the individiual and the individualized nature of our medicine. Our success is predicated on matching a remedy to an individual; finding a remedy that is homeopathic to them.
Challenge: How do we bring our individualized care into the professional clinical literature?
 Solution: The n-of-1 clinical trail

When an invidualized single case approach is used, it is an n-of-1 trial. The nrepresents the number of subjects involved. The response and outcome of 1 person is studied and published. George Vithoulkas recently worked with colleagues from Romania to publish a single case of myasthenia gravis that resolved with homeopathy – a good method to bring individualized n-of-1 report into the body of literature.
 We work case by case, client by client. Clearly, we can’t follow George’s example and publish an n-of-1 report for each one!
How do we implement the n-of-1 for homeopathy?
Fortunately, we don’t have to invent this
the combined n-of-1 trials is a weel worn path for us to use.
Here is an exerpt from the NIH article:
The combined n-of-1 trials approach achieves the same goal: a number of n-of-1 trials are pursued and the best interventions for each patient are recorded.
Characteristics of the patients are noted and contrasted in order to identify distinguishing features among those who did best on a specific intervention. If such a characteristic is found, it is used to inform the use of that intervention in the future.

This approach essentially starts out in a small and focused manner, and then works its way towards insights that would immediately benefit a much larger group of patients.

Reminder: We’re Upgrading
We’re overhauling and upgrading the HUB website!
This is an exciting time for the HUB  with lots of good changes to come. One of them is an improved  and upgraded website; this will enhance your experience  across the entire platform!
While we’re doing the work behind the scenes the HUB website will be down to the following times:


Every Tuesday


Connect. Chat. Listen.
Karen / Margery host a 30 min. weekly check-in with homeopathic collegues in your region.
Join @ Time for your Region
Eastern, 7:30 pm ET
Central: 6:30 pm CT
Mountain / AZ:  6pm MT
Pacific: 5:30 pm PT
Join Happy Hour

BABY BLUES / Postpartum depression with Karen Allen, CCH
Thursday Aug. 27th – 2pm ET / 11am PT


Join Karen Allen CCH, for this interesting series of cases as we step from book-learning into real people, real symptoms and real outcomes! In this session, we review the symptoms of a woman who could not connect with her baby after a difficult labor and delivery.  (Don’t worry, it all ends well…)
HUB Subscribers 
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Liver / GI / Pancreas
with Karen Allen, CCH
Friday Aug 28th 11am ET / 8am PT 
OPEN TO ALL (free)


Using Robert Seller’s excellent book “Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints as a reliable guide, Karen Allen, CCH, will review best test questions and characteristic symptoms for complaints in the month’s body system.  This class brings together all the clinical content for the month – the clarity and usefulness of Dr. Seller’s pragmatic descriptions and comparisons is superb!
Register  to  Attend

with Karen Allen, CCH
Monday Aug 31, 9:30am ET/12:30pm PT
OPEN TO ALL  (free)


Learn about the wonderful resource contained within the Repertory! Whether you are refreshing old skills or building new ones, this short session helps you to connect symptoms to rubrics. On Aug 17 we will repertorize WALLACE who reports a spider bite, but we aren’t so sure… This class meets weekly for 30 minutes.
Register to Attend

Channeling the Consumer Voice
& Harnessing our Power

with Paola Brown, M.Ed

Saturday, August 29
12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT
Is our access to homeopathic remedies at risk?What can we do to ensure that our families and patients retain access to these safe and healing substances.
Americans for Homeopathy Choice, co-founded by Paola Brown, has burst onto the scene as a consumer-centered advocacy group established to champion homeopathy. Learn about the plan and the important progress they’ve made in safeguarding our access to our homeopathic medicine.
For those of you who are not in the USA, this information will still be relevant and helpful in learning what can be done to protect your access to homeopathic medicine in your country. Paola will share how the consumer voice can empower anyone’s advocacy efforts and how channeling the consumer voice will potentize your efforts, worldwide!
This event will be suitable for everyone interested in homeopathy. Please invite your families and patients to attend and participate
Register for the FREE Session Here

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