Trinity Health Hub

Hub Clinic Builders Team Weekly Update
“The bigger the dream, the more important the team.”  R Sharma

Welcome Team Builder! 
Our team is destined to play an essential role in mapping the way for homeopathy to thrive.THANK YOU! Your curiosity, courage, and passion for homeopathy propels us forward. Please forward this email to your colleagues who may be interested in the Hub National Telehealth Clinic. We welcome all. 

Remember our future. Speak it, share it, write it, post it, live it: 
Homeopathy is widely accepted, 
legally and competently practiced, 
available to all those who want to use it,
and thriving in North America.

Your TASK of the WEEK
Hey Keli, as part of the Hub Clinic Builders team, your voice gets to be heard as we would like your input. Please give us feedback on the two finalists for the telehealth clinic’s web platform. 
Start date: we’ve already begun! See below for your next instructions…


Therapy Notes
A leading platform for therapists and other behavioral health practitioners, this software is light, fast and friendly. Frankly, it is the underdog in the comparison because there is no phone app component. BUT if you find that its a better platform, then the Hub will listen!
Start a Free Trial and Decide if YOU
prefer TherapyNotes

Simple Practice
The consultant’s #1 pick for the Hub, this software is included in Capterra’s top 10 recommendations.Along with the web interface, it includes a phone app – a big plus for us.  DO YOU agree with Capterra and the consultant? Is this YOUR choice for the Hub National Telehealth Clinic?  
Start a Free Trial and Decide if YOU
prefer SimplePractice

BOTH ARE: digitally secure, HIPAA compliant, easy-to-use, flexible, scalable, and affordable. Both could be appropriate platforms for our business model as alternative medicine practitioners. BUT… YOU get to make your opinion heard on the one you feel we can best utilize as a team as we press forward toward the opening of our virtual clinic! 

Here is how you can help us make a strong choice:
Last week, we asked that you choose one platform and explore it by logging in with a free trial to navigate the software on your own (don’t forget to cancel that free trial when you’re done!). How did it go?  Now it’s time to select the second platform and explore that option as well. BE AWARE that you will see the second platform differently just because you already had a week with the first option!

 Start your other free trial and take this final week to explore the second platform. Discuss it with another team member you might know, like if you perhaps find out something especially useful about either platform. Here are our suggestions:

  • Review the company’s website and read their reviews.
  • Try it out, using it in some way every day for one week.
  • Set yourself up as a practitioner and set up a friend/family member as a client. Work with a friendly colleague or actual client if possible. Try working with someone who IS and who IS NOT tech-savvy.
  • Check out specific features. You could also use the platform to take notes for some of your own online consults. Then send out a superbill.
  • Remember to trial it as a mobile app as well (this is available for Simple Practice, not on Therapy Notes- how important is this to us?)
  • Take notice– does using the platform feel intuitive or like an uphill climb? Could you see yourself using this long-term as a practitioner working in the Telehealth Clinic? Would the average person feel comfortable as a client consult with you on this platform? Likes and dislikes?
Make a decision. Let your experience with the platforms allow you to truly compare these two options, then submit to us your conclusions via Survey Monkey.
By 12noon (PT) on Thursday August 27, complete this survey with your feedback. 
Our final platform decision will be made on 
Friday, August 28. 
On September 1st, we roll out with early prototyping and begin with a handful of committed practitioners and willing clients! 

“Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.”    Lucius Annaeus Seneca 

NEW to the TEAM??
Catch up here: 
Watch the recording of the July 22nd Info Meeting if you have not yet seen it (70 minutes). Share this link with interested colleagues via email only. Please do not post on social media- keep it within our homeopathic community for now.
The HUB’s National Telehealth Clinic is one of MANY steps to realizing the goals for the future of homeopathy. The HUB National Telehealth Clinic goals:
  1. Make homeopathy easily accessible nationwide
  2. Allow homeopathy to shine in relieving pain and illness for clients with specific, common chronic complaints where conventional medical results are limited
  3. Assure legal practice for all credentialed homeopaths within the HUB’s Telehealth Clinic which is based in a Health Freedom state
  4. Support research by gathering clinical data outcomes demonstrating homeopathy’s efficacy
  5. Full thriving practices for 1000 credentialed homeopaths thru the HUB Clinic 
  6. By the year 2040:
               20% of the US population has used or is using homeopathy (now 2.75%)
                 7% of the US population has or is consulting a homeopath (now .5%)
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Trinity Health Hub
870 Market Street Suite 756 SanFrancisco, CA 94102
(866) 585-3170‬

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