Trinity Health Hub

This Week on the HUB 

Karen’s message:
“Wow – Within minutes the pain was 75% better. This is such a relief. I can get in and out of a chair now.”  That was the report from my 69 year old client with severe hip bursitis, after a few doses of Natrum Muriaticum 30c. Each of you reading this can probably tell a similar story…

 Homeopathy came into my life when I needed it; now it’s a joy to share it with others in need! Join me in creating a future where:
 Homeopathy is widely accepted, legally and competently practiced, available to all those who want to use it
and thriving in North America.
The HUB’s National Telehealth Clinic is one of many steps to realize this goal.  Watch the recording of the July 22nd Info Meeting. You may share the link via email only. Please do not post it on social media – keep it within the homeopathic community for now.
 These are our HUB National Telehealth Clinic goals:
  1. Make homeopathy easily accessible nationwide
  2. Allow homeopathy to shine in relieving pain and illness for clients with specific, common chronic complaints where conventional medical results are limited
  3. Assure legal practice for all credentialed homeopaths within the HUB’s Telehealth Clinic which is based in a Health Freedom state
  4. Support research by gathering clinical data outcomes demonstrating homeopathy’s efficacy
  5. Full thriving practices for 1000 credentialed homeopaths thru the HUB Clinic 
  6. By the year 2040:
      20% of the US population has used or is using homeopathy (now 2.75%)
      7% of the US population has or is consulting a homeopath (now .5%)
Do you share this vision? Join our HUB Clinic Builders team!
Get a weekly email with updates and requests for YOUR opinions, ideas and feedback as we move through the steps to open by end of 2020. 

We are often told:
“Homeopathy has no research backing it up…”
 As a community we are learning to respond with You know, that’s a common misconception, actually there is high quality research about homeopathy” followed up with a quick summary of some research in our particular area of interest. 
Learn how to respond when someone asks you about research with 
this one hour training from Tina Quirk RN CCH and Karen Allen CCH, available here on the Hub’s Youtube channel.


Homeopathy Around the World
Are you familiar with the UK based Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI)?


This organization is working internationally to support and disseminate high quality research through grants, conferences, publication and advocacy. Best of all, HRI streams the recorded sessions from their international conferences.Visit their home page, read and watch and be inspired – share with colleagues and students. 

The skeptics group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has sent letters to the FTC and FDA urging them to bring enforcement proceedings against Joseph Mercola, ND, author of a popular alternative health website. CSPI finds an easy target with Mercola as he is the largest and most visible advocate of CAM on the web.

Even things that seem to be common sense in our community (eg: take vitamin C to support healthy immune function during an epidemic) are called into question and labled as inappropriate advice for treating COVID-19.
The Secretary of US Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, has extended the current public health emergency through mid-November. As you 
consider all of your communications through the remainder of this year, 
Last week’s newsletter shared a FACTSHEET for Regulatory Warning Letters – if you have not read it yet, please do!

Change in Links for Classes
Our webinar platform, Zoom, is increasing security to prevent troublemakers from hijacking events! In response we are changing the links for classes that are “Open to All”. The ‘Register’ button below the class will take you to a Registration link. After you register, the class link will be visible. Your registration works for all sessions within a class in the series, so you only have to register once for any class series. You will get a reminder email with the class link prior to each session.


with Maryann Ivons
2nd Tuesdays
12pm ET/9am PT


We all took A&P in Homeopathic School, mostly forgotten before our first day of clinic. This review with Maryann Ivons ND, will emphasize what homeopaths need to know. This month’s focus: GI Organs – Liver, Gall bladder, Pancreas

Every Tuesday in Your Time Zone


Connect. Chat. Listen.
Karen / Margery host a 30 minute weekly check-in with homeopaths in your region.


Eastern: 7:30 pm ET
Central: 6:30 pm CT
Mountain: 6pm MT
(and Arizona)
Pacific: 5:30 pm PT
(and International) 

 –  Carbuncles

Thursday Aug. 13
6pm ET / 3pm PT


Lynn Amara CCH, brings her decades of skin experience to cases with painful boils and abscesses noted in our materia medicas as carbuncles and furuncles. Learn the connection with staphylococcus, rubrics, therapeutics, and selfcare. 
Subscribers RSVP on the HUB calendar
RSVP on the Hub


Hey Super-Stellars:
Startup to Stellar
is now in its 7th year!

Updated Content + Fresh Ideas
Wednesdays Twice Monthly
6 month series Starts Sept 9


This course is a potentized minimum dose of Karen Allen’s 25 years of practice. It has inspired and aided hundreds of your colleagues. Join in!

All Super-Stellars (participants in past class series) are always welcome back for free – just call the HUB office at ‭(866) 585-3170 to be enrolled!
Learn More / Enroll

with Karen Allen, CCH
Mondays 12:30pm PT / 3:30pm ET


Learn about the wonderful resource contained within the Repertory! Whether you are refreshing old skills or building new ones, this short session helps you to connect symptoms to rubrics. On Aug 17 we will repertorize WALLACE who reports a spider bite, but we aren’t so sure… This class meets weekly for 30 minutes. OPEN TO ALL


Channeling the Consumer Voice
& Harnessing our Power 

with Paola Brown M.Ed

Special Free Cast Saturday Aug. 29th

12pm ET / 9:00am PT (1 hr)


Is our access to homeopathic remedies at risk?What can we do to ensure that our families and patients retain our access to these safe and healing substances?
Americans for Homeopathy Choice, co-founded by Paola Brown, has burst onto the scene as a consumer-centered advocacy group established to champion homeopathy. Learn about the plan and the important progress they’ve made in safeguarding our access to our homeopathic medicine.
For those of you who are not in the USA, this information will still be relevant and helpful in learning what can be done to protect your access to homeopathic medicine in your country. 
Paola will share how the consumer voice can empower anyone’s advocacy efforts and how channeling the consumer voice will potentize your efforts, worldwide!
This event will be suitable for everyone interested in homeopathy. Please invite your families and patients to attend and participate.
Register for the FREE session now

Trinity Health Hub
870 Market Street Suite 756 SanFrancisco, CA 94102
(866) 585-3170‬

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© 2020 Trinity Health Hub

Karen Allen CCH
870 Market Street Suite 756
San Francisco, CA 94102