Trinity Health Hub

This Week on the HUB 

               Karen                                  Rooksie                                     Joy
News from Karen:
We are happy to announce two new team members.
Rooksie David is our newsletter coordinator. Rooksie’s fascination with homeopathy began early in her mothering career when a homeopathic remedy soothed her colicky infant. She has experienced the lifesaving efficacy of homeopathy in acute form and the holistic health promotion of constitutional prescribing. She is a graduate of Resonance School of Homeopathy, Reno, NV, and a self-professed HUB junkie. She lives in Seattle WA with her husband, where she maintains a virtual homeopathic practice.
Want to share news about world events in homeopathy with HUB members? Send it to:
Joy Balmer is our new social media coordinator. Joy is managing the HUB’s presence across social media platforms Facebook,  Twitter and others.
Welcome to the HUB team, Rooksie and Joy!

25% of your HUB subscription dollars are used to support and reinvest in the homeopathic community.
Here are THREE ways you helped the HUB help others this month:
During this pandemic, a healthy functioning immune system is more important than ever. This is often a weak link in Haiti where malnutrition and anemia are common.Through your Hub subscription, you helped boost the immune systems of pregnant and nursing women and orphans in Haiti. The HUB donated $1000 of combination cell salts for targeted immune support, which will be distributed through a network of 66 HWB-trained homeopaths in Haiti. A shout-out to OHM pharmacy for discounted pricing!
Watch this video as Karen talks about the value of these cell salts with HWB-NA’s
directors Holly Manoogian CCH, Lauren Fox FNP BC CCH and Dr. Joey Prosper, a
Haitian physician who has become a strong advocate for homeopathy in Haiti.

(2)  FDA Regulation of Homeopathic Medicines
Last year, the FDA withdrew the compliance guide that regulated the manufacture and labeling of homeopathic medicines. The FDA’s second draft proposal to replace the guide received 60,432 comments (thanks to all of you who helped with comments!). The FDA is now in a comment review period. They have not implemented this much-protested new draft guidance; they could at any time…. or they could further modify it. Meanwhile, dialogue continues between our FDA appointed liaison and the homeopathy expert and legal team assembled by Americans for Homeopathy Choice. If the FDA were to implement this difficult draft guidance, a legal challenge could be the strongest response; the HUB has donated $1000 to AFHC’s legal fund to support preparation for this effort if needed.

(3) What happens if YOU get an FTC Agency Warning Letter?
There has been very proactive regulatory oversight regarding ANY claims about treating or curing COVID-19 and coronavirus. Specific wording and communication guidelines have been sent out by the Council for Homeopathic Certification. 
We are in a highly sensitive environment right now, especially with the somewhat undefined situation for regulation of homeopathic medicines noted above with the FDA.
 Regulatory agencies are using scanning tools to identify website content (stated or implied) for the public about treatments for COVID-19 or coronavirus. 
There are BIG IMPLICATIONS if you receive an FTC warning letter 
(freeze banking accounts, void malpractice insurance etc) 
and we all need to understand what is at risk.
The HUB has partnered with the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) with a $500 contribution to the legal expense of creating this formal guidance:




Connect. Chat. Listen.
Karen or Margery host a 30 minute check-in with homeopathic collegues in your region.

Eastern:  7:30pm ET
Central:  6:30pm CT
Mountain / AZ:  6pm MT
Pacific:  5:30pm PT
Join here



Thursday Aug. 6th 11am ET / 8am PT
Open to ALL
Samuel Hahnemann’s concepts and methodology are worthy of our attention! Karen Allen CCH, helps to bridge the language, culture and science gaps between Hahnemann’s world and our own (monthly 90 minute session). 
Register here

Monday Aug.10th
3:30pmET / 12:30pmPT
Open to ALL


Join Karen Allen CCH for a practical dive into a case where Kent’s repertory will be our working tool. We will focus this session on how to translate the client’s words into rubrics as we try to capture the state of the vital force (weekly 30 minute session).
Register here

Just One Drop
Tells the unknown story of homeopathy 
To many, homeopathy seems implausible. They fear it is purely a placebo effect or worse, a form of deception or quackery. Yet, homeopathy has been around for over 200 years and is used by millions worldwide. The film explores the controversy, dispels myths and misconceptions, and asks whether or not homeopathy has been given a fair shake.
The film’s ultimate message is about freedom of choice in healthcare.

Trinity Health Hub
870 Market Street Suite 756 SanFrancisco, CA 94102
(866) 585-3170‬

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