Hub ?? Hello July 6Trinity Health Hub

Unprecendented Times 
(except that Homeopathy has seen it all before)
During uncertainty, social change, and a novel virus, we are fortunate to have 200+ years of deep roots. Homeopaths and homeopathy have seen it all before: disease, epidemics, and personal and collective healing. We share that solid history with our clients, families and colleagues.  Take a moment today to reflect with gratitude on how your homeopathic skills foster a sense of safety for you and your clients.  (Thanks, Sam…)
In the midst of all this change, the Hub is outgrowing it’s early structure and building a more robust website. We have re-branded with a new logo, and we are improving the security, timeliness of updates, and functional simplicity of the website with a new learning management system, group structure and forums.  We will keep you updated as changes roll out!

Hub National Telehealth Clinic Opens Fall 2020
A Long Time Ago…
17 years ago, Karen Allen and Nancy Gahles planned an integrative telehealth clinic to make homeopathy accessible in areas with no local homeopaths…. and to build full thriving practices for credentialed homeopaths across the US. It was too early…  Our CCH credential was not yet accredited. Legalities of practice were challenging. Telemedicine was strange and new for the public. Internet network accessibility beyond the cities was limited. Online consult tools were unaffordable and unfriendly… and then slowly, and then suddenly, it all changed. 
The Time Is Right: The HUB Is It!
The Hub is moving forward to open its national telehealth clinic:
  • scheduling clients with credentialed homeopaths (CCH, DHANP, ABHt) 
  • hosting online consulting rooms and provisioning remedies
  • gathering clinical outcomes data research on a large scale 
  • four specialty focus areas that are common reasons for people to seek alternative medicine: Anxiety,  Migraines,  Back Pain,  Insomnia
  • San Francisco, CA based Hub clinic brings the legalities of a health freedom state to each Hub Clinic consult, client, homeopath
  • Homeopathy easily accessible, visible to those who can benefit
  • Full, thriving practices for 1000 credentialed homeopaths in the US
  • Clinical outcomes research verifying homeopathy’s capabilities
Interested? Be a Clinic Practitioner, Intern or Client?  
HUB Telehealth Clinic INFO Webinar July 22 7pmET/4pmPT  (Participation limited to 100 so join early – recording will be available)

Tim Shannon ND CCH and Karen Allen CCH
Saturdays 11am-3pmET/8am-12PT July 25, Aug 1 – 15 – 29, Sept 12 – 26, Oct 10
Your colleagues are saying:  “This has revolutionized my practice.”   “Using this with all my clients now.”   “Great case-based class, seeing intakes and followups, has been a great learning experience.”   “Tim is an excellent teacher.”    “This method gives me confidence in my practice – seeing better clinical outcomes…”    
One of Hahneman’s closest disciples, Boenninghausen was both a loyalist and an innovator. He developed a highly reliable enhancement of Hahnemann’s case assessment: an evaluation of polarities in the client’s symptoms. German physician and homeopath Heiner Frei has taken a deep dive into Boenninghausen’s polarity approach, and published an impressive series of studies showing 80% success rate.
In this 10 week course (3 Saturday half days to learn the methodology, 4 Saturday half days clinical casework), Tim Shannon ND CCH will join Karen Allen CCH to teach the methodology, as well as discussing practical pitfalls and their corrections. Included in Hub Subscriber Training.  Non-Subscribers can purchase for $295 (includes Frei’s Polarity Analysis E-Text)
The long term goal of this course is to create a working group of homeopaths who are able to effectively implement Boenninghausen’s method with high levels of accuracy and work together in the telehealth clinic.

Only Another Homeopath Understands… 
Join Hub Check in Tuesdays
 Sometimes we want just to talk to those who know what it is like, listen to others with similar experiences. Join in for a 30 min weekly checkin with others in your region. No agenda. No power points. Just what is real in that day. Chat. Listen. Compare what you are seeing. Share resources. Ask and Answer. Karen or Marjorie host the sessions.
Eastern / Central  Homeopaths meet on Tuesdays 7:30pmET/6:30CT at this link
Mountain / Arizona Homeopaths meet on Tuesdays 7pmMT at this link
Pacific Homeopaths meet on Tuesdays 5:30pmPT at this link

   HUB YouTube Channel   
The HUB is improving its services for you. We are hosting videos on YouTube to reduce lag and improve streaming. While most of the training is still privately accessed from within the Hub, some is available to everyone. Check out the playlists and let your colleagues know about them.   Subscribe here today!

Reopening Some Classes


We are picking up what we missed in April/May during our hiatus!
July 14: A&P GI with Maryann
July 16: Learn MatMed with Lynn
July 27: Pathology GI with Maryann
July 31: Differential GI with Karen

  Check the Hub Schedule

Skin with Lynn: Erethema Nodosum
Thursday July 9 6pmET/3pmPT
Another session in the ongoing series with Lynn Amara CCH, this time we look at erethema nodosum: a condition of the subcutaneous fat that appears as red tender bumps, usually on the lower legs. Like many of Lynn’s topics, this is NOT just about skin. The condition and relevant rubrics and materia medica will be presented. Join us!

Trinity Health Hub
870 Market Street Suite 756 SanFrancisco, CA 94102
(866) 585-3170‬

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© 2020 Trinity Health Hub

Karen Allen CCH
870 Market Street Suite 756
San Francisco, CA 94102